
Ben Torbet

a month ago

Superb 2 day training course covering everything you need to be an actual proper heating engineer! If you want to better your knowledge in an easy to digest way then you can't beat Kimbo's delivery. Would happily do it again!!

Gareth Hurford

a month ago

The best course in system design I have sat. I would highly recommend this to any engineer wanting to improve themselves, Kimbo's knowledge is mind-blowing.

Murray McConnachie

2 months ago

A course that’s quite easy to understand. A real eye opener to system design. Would happily recommend.

Michael Mckeown

3 months ago

Fantastic course, far better than the geeky online one I did. Kimbo simplifies the subjects and makes them more practical to use in the real world that plumbing and heating engineers work in. I will be sending my apprentice on this course when he is ready, thank you.

Lee Maher

4 months ago

Excellent course and put across just how plumbers and heating engineers can understand. Anyone thinking of fitting a heat pump needs to get on the course.


4 months ago

Brilliant course a must do for anyone that wants to understand hydronics and getting the best out of a heating system. Kimbo has put together a top course that's easy to follow he's a very approachable guy so you don't feel stupid asking any questions of quiries you might have. There is a lot of info to take in over the 2 days but the booklets you get covers everything you learn on the course. Cheers Kimbo


4 months ago

Great course with no unnecessary faff , would highly recommend.

James Williams

4 months ago

It’s the f f f f first training course that I have ever done where I have come away from the course feeling like it was worth every penny, Kimbo certainly knows his stuff and get the information across great clarity. Would highly recommend, thanks Kimbo

Ben Courtnage

4 months ago

Just completed the 2 day hydronics course in Newbury.I must say this one most informative well planned out courses ive ever been on! Some really complex but interesting stuff made understandable by a great teacher.Thanks kimbo!

John McGregor

5 months ago

I did the hydronics course.I’ve not, in twenty years in industry been on a course that has been as informative and relevant. Kimbo is very passionate, the strategy just makes sense and the numbers stack up. As our customers ever increasingly ask how they can save on energy. We can now better design and implement better strategies, very cost effectively. I can definitely recommend it.

Martin Carroll

5 months ago

Excellent Course, Kimbo is a brilliant teacher, makes everyting very simple to understand and most importantly put into real life.Cant recommend this course enough if you want to up skill in the heating industry.Its all about the FLOW!Thanks Kimbo


5 months ago

Can't really thank Kimbo enough for all the efforts have been put into creating such a brilliant course, absolutely amazing! Just right amount of theory to understand the physics followed by real life examples of applications to help understand boiler choice, pipe sizing, pump setting up, radiators sizing and a lot more. Heat pump retrofitting aspect was incredibly helpfull. Surely I cannot recommend it enough

Marcus Diamond

5 months ago

Just finished the course and loved it. I’ve done lots of courses over and career and this best one. I’ve learnt so much in 2 days I would’ve been happy to spend the whole week training with Kimbo, he’s a legend.

Paul Brown

5 months ago

I’ve been in the plumbing and heating industry for just over 40yrs and attended many training courses, the couple of days spent with Kimbo for me has been really informative and enjoyable.For anyone thinking of going into fitting heat pumps this course will give you confidence to size pipe work, radiators and pumps.This course is the best investment that you will make in yourself, I cannot recommend it enough.

Elliott Dupree

5 months ago

This course is by far the best I've been on, this stuff should mandatory learning for everyone in our trade.

Graeme Munro

5 months ago

Big thanks to kimbo for the last 2 days. This course has been a true eye opener on how we can all be better.You explained everything in a clear concise manner which made it easy tonunderstand.

James Lewington

5 months ago

I’ve completed the Kimbo course - for the second time.!!Why a second you may ask- for me it was a chance to absorb some of the information I missed first time.Extremely valuable course and if you are considering doing it- don’t hesitate.

Steve Webster EGE Ltd

5 months ago

If you only do one course it must be this one! Guaranteed to come away far more knowledgable. Kimbo takes a complex subject and presents it in a clear logical format.It’s not just another course, it’s an investment.

James Ashton

5 months ago

I’ve spent years in the industry and over time you learn new things and gradually think you know most things that there are to know. Kimbo’s course changed my mind on that and actually proved I was only scratching the surface. What you learn in 2 days is unbelievable, his approach and charisma makes the whole thing a brilliant experience. I would recommend and will be trying to arrange for all of our engineers to get on the course. Thank you again!

Jon Kitchen

5 months ago

I have done a few training courses recently, and by a country mile Kimbo’s Hydronics Course has been the best.I love the way it was done, a simplistic approach to the maths, processes and how and what things should be installed and why.He highlighted the facts where our industry is poor and how we can easily make a difference, saving everyone money and the planet.I am already a far better heating engineer than before, and have a clear focus on how I can get even better.There is a lot of information to digest and I would love to have another day or two.I hope this content finds itself on all apprenticeship courses soon, this stuff should be mandatory.It was delivered in a friendly dynamic environment where knowledge and experience is bounced about all over the place, Kimbo is highly knowledgeable and so enthusiastic and passionate. I’m sure he has forgotten things I don’t even know yet!I highly recommend this course.Thanks Kimbo.

Phil Morton

5 months ago

Absolutely fantastic course, brilliantly put together. Kimbo has got a real passion for this and it really comes across. There’s a lot of information and all of it is insightful, digestible and can be put to use immediately.I couldn’t recommend this course highly enough, it should be taught as an industry standard but anyone will benefit from it and it will make you stand out from your competitors.Worth every penny and more! Thanks Kimbo.


5 months ago

There's so much useful information to take your average understanding of heating systems to the next level as it should be, totally worth it.

Stephen Ayers

5 months ago

Just been on the hydronics course by Kimbo. I have learnt a fantastic amount in 2 days which will help me in better understanding the relationship between pipe sizes and lengths,resistance,presure losses. Having a better grasp of pump sizing and the effects of pump speed on heaing systems. PDHW,CCT,LLH,WC,OT,PI TRV'SKimbo is enthusiastic and is quite simply the main man to speak to...Like he says ""the maths don't lie"" simplified equations without 4 decimal places. The course Will make system fault finding easier and make me think twice about pipe sizing.If I could spend a week with him(training!!) Definitely would. I cannot recommend this course enough for experienced technicians who want to learn ways to make All systems more efficient.Thanks again Kimbo

Ashley Horn

5 months ago

The Best 2 days training I have ever had in my 21 years in the industry.Kimbo is the most enthusiastic and passionate trainer I have ever seen. Amazing knowledge and great delivery. A lot to learn but I firmly believe the simplest way to understand and internalise. (I have completed other well know hydronic training at home through videos)It’s a long 2 days but I was still 100% focused at 5pm on day 2. Whereas most courses your struggling by 3 pm! Not this one!Well done and thank you Kimbo you are an asset to our industry.Ashley

Ashley Tapp

5 months ago

Brilliant course and a massive eye opener on doing things the best way and being more efficient. Kim I has simplified the maths chat. Which really helps and gives people who aren’t as academic as others a good chance of understanding it all. Very knowledgeable man is kimbo and the course is taught very well. There’s a lot to digest in two days, I would happily be there all week, giving more time to take it in but also go over more renewables. Personally I think they should be implementing this in to the future teaching of level 3 heating as it would help newly qualified plumbers the correct knowledge going forward for the future of heating systems and ASHP systems. Thank you again kimbo. Great course!

Paul Leedham

5 months ago

I originally had a discussion with Kimbo regarding the new heat pump Apprenticeship. It then followed that I booked on his course in Bristol and travelled from Sheffield. For the entire course I was engaged and interested on all subjects. No parts were too difficult and each part was progressively introduced with a gradual increase in difficulty to further knowledge on Hydronics. I have a background in installation and training myself and I found this course to be relevant, up to date and interesting. Everyone on the course was engaged, helped each other throughout the course, and we all left satisfied.I would unreservedly recommend this course to installers that want to further their knowledge on hydronics.

Sam Thomas

5 months ago

The last couple of days learning and listening to Kimbo talk about heating in a way I’ve never heard or been taught. I would recommended this to anyone who’s ready to be blown away but also wants to make change in our industry. Worth every penny!

Lee Tidball-Zapp

5 months ago

Wow. Tough topics taught with language you can understand.I'm sure Kimbo is the Messiah, and we are the apostles of the heating industry. I strongly advise you to attend the course, learn and pass it on to your colleages.. We have to spread the word.Previously an atheist, but now I believe in Kimbo.


5 months ago

Excellent couple of days with this extremely knowledgeable and passionate man. There is a lot to take in but worth it. Really helpful in how things can and should be done these days to make heating systems more efficient. I would recommend this course for every single heating engineer to help make our industry better. It’s also nice to meet someone with the same opinion on logics as me!

Mark Russell

5 months ago

Excellent course & worth every penny just for Kimbo’s entertaining teaching style. Would have liked the course to last longer as so much useful information to digest.

Alex Anderson

6 months ago

Absolutely fantastic course made even better by the fact that it is delivered by someone as knowledgeable and passionate about the heating industry as Kimbo is. The way he is able to relay the information is what makes this the best course I've personally been on. Great to be surrounded by like-minded heating engineers sharing different opinions and knowledge. Worth every penny spent.

James Gerwat

6 months ago

Absolute top notch course. Most important 2 days of your career.Kimbo's enthusiasm is infectious . His knowledge & more importantly his ability to share this know-how in a clear & memorable way, is second to none.This course is an absolute necessity if you strive to be the best.

Richard Carr

7 months ago

Great course from start to finish , there is a lot to absorb over the two days but the way Kimbo gets the information across and encourages involvement in conversations is very helpful in achieving this ,This course is a must for anyone installing low temperature heating systems either with fossil fuel or renewable energy.

Tom Squires

7 months ago

Brilliant course. Mind blown. If you haven’t booked already get it done wish I had done it years ago.

Alex Mckechnie

7 months ago

Kimbos course is an absoloute must for anyone who wants to expand their heating knowledge. He does warn you to “come with a clear head”! Although there is a lot of information to take in over the two days, kimbo delivers it in such a great way, he has everyone’s attention from the very beginning to the end. Unfortunately he’s retiring at the end of the year, so if you get a chance to, I’d highly recommend you book a place on his course asap!!


7 months ago

Kimbo’s course is fantastic! The course is delivered in a simple yet engaging way by Kim who’s also a great laugh! It take the some what complicated aspects of low temperature heating and turns it in to a manageable and practical solution, easy to instantly include it in to your daily job. A true asset to the heating industry!

Gas Man Cornwall

7 months ago

A fantastic course & very well delivered! A real eye opener, even after 23 years in the industry. I strongly encourage everyone within the industry to attend this 2 day course - you will not regret it!


7 months ago

I’m so glad I did this course. Quality of teaching was superb. Relaxed atmosphere. Lots of information to digest in 2 days. If you think this is a typical course where you get thinned out by 4pm, then think again. 8-5:30. No pass or fail, just one guy passing on his knowledge of expertise. A reel must do if you want to be at the top of your game. Would highly recommend. Thanks Kimbo

James Hodgson

7 months ago

Great course and well delivered, great information and insight to what we should all be trying to achieve, will definitely be recommending it to others thanks again Kimbo

Dave Todhunter

7 months ago

Great course one I will probably remember for the rest of my life , Kimbo has his own very special presentation skills and brings what could be a complicated subject within the grasp of everyone .all heating engineers should attend this course .

Neil kiernan

7 months ago

no one gets more than 9/10 because there is always room for improvement well this is an exemption from the way everything is explained from the reason in the first place a question asked to the dog with a bone way of finding the truth and using that information in a practical way kimbo is the man so 10/10 -5 stars it is.remember the truth is out there

Jake barnes

7 months ago

Easily the best course I’ve ever done. The knowledge and information you receive on the 2 days is unbelievable. I can’t recommend it enough. If you’re a heating engineer this is the best course with value for money you will undertake. Can’t recommend it highly enough.I will 100% be doing the course again in a few months time to confirm all I learnt and have put into practice is correct.

Steve Jordan

7 months ago

Unique course which sets out to equip heating engineers with all the knowledge and understanding required to properly design, install and most importantly commission systems correctly. If you genuinely want to give your customers a quality install and a system that runs efficiently find time to do this course.Thanks Kimbo


7 months ago

Informal but very informative. Kimbo simplifies complex information and delivers it in such a way that allows everyone to understand the technical side of things we deal with day in and day out. Highly recommend to anyone looking to raise their game as a heating engineer!

Jim Faulds

7 months ago

Great couple of days, relentless download of information, some all new, some confirming what you’ve read before, some giving a new angle on what you thought you knew, all of it useful, most of it essential and all given over in a no nonsense, easy to grasp, simple to remember way- all plumbing learning should be like this- well done Kimbo, five stars!


7 months ago

Great 2 days of learning in an environment where the students are able to all keep up with the material thanks to Kimbo keeping everyone engaged with the subject.One of the first training courses that kept me engaged for the full 2 days due to the delivery of the course although fast paced everyone involved could keep up thanks to the straight forward approach to delivering the subject matter made it easier to understandThanks again Kimbo really appreciated your time and help finding some answers and filling some gaps and giving me more confidence in future projects.

Plumb Tidy Ltd

7 months ago

I attempted this course with an open mind but sceptical to as how much I will learn and how it will benifit me. Kimbo has opened my mind to how things should be done with a bit of thought and planning my installs from now on will be a lot more environmentally friendly, cheaper for the customer to run and last longer. He has shone a light on technical specs of boilers and systems and not to be fooled by some of the all singing all dancing systems and appliances with bells and whistles that the marketing team want you to see. Going forward this course has benifited me and my future customers. Cheers Kimbo!

Marcus Bull

8 months ago

What can i say other than my brain was mashed but in a good and positive way,even though Kimbo was full of cold he put over a informative and constructive course i a humours way and made everyone feel welcome, it was definitely an eye openers to how we approach the whole heating industry and how much we all can improve our skills, fantastic course and would urge everyone to attend, thank again Kimbo

Todd Glister

8 months ago

I had heard extremely good things about this course from multiple people, and they really wasn’t wrong! I have learnt so much, and will continue to spread the word via my socials and on Fix Radio that every heating engineer should do this course. I thought i was doing an ok job of my own work until this course and now it’s changed everything! My approach to work will be different. Kimbo explains everything so well and in real world terms, A hydronics course can seem daunting but i promise you once you do this you will have the confidence to crack on and make yourself a better engineer. Considering for myself it was a couple of days off work, plus hotel and course fees i can safely say it’s some of the best money i’ve ever invested! Top Course and thanks again Kimbo!

Michael abbott

8 months ago

This course opens your eyes up massively. I came on this course to touch on reasons why. I’ve ran into a few issues on some of my bigger installs lately and nobody had the answers. After two days with kimbo I’m not only confident I know how to resolve these issues but I have an understanding as to why they have happened. Thanks kimbo

Craig Richards

8 months ago

One of the best courses I have ever done ! The amount of knowledge you gain from the course is amazing and kimbo explains it all brilliantly if you want to learn how to fit a boiler or heat pump the right way get on this course it will help you so much when it comes down to the hydronics side of things

Nick Bunyan

9 months ago

Wish I'd found out about this course sooner. Enjoyed every minute of it. Kimbo imparts a huge amount of his hard-fought wisdom backed up with practical examples and golden reference material. No matter what your experience, you will not regret attending this course. Exceptional value for money too.


9 months ago

Just finished the two day course with Kimbo and I cannot recommend highly enough, I have been in the industry for over forty years and this is a total eye opener. Kimbo presents concise information in an easy to understand manner and takes you to the next level, which is where we all need to be if you want to call yourself a heating engineer. The two day course is packed with information, there's no extended breaks and finishing early! you get your money's worth and Kimbo does a fantastic job of presenting advanced knowledge in a progressive and easy to understand manner. Thank you Kimbo for enlightening me and very grateful for the knowledge you share with us.


9 months ago

Great course very in depth, lots of information to learn,Highly recommend to all heating engineers you will learn a lot. 10/10


9 months ago

Amazing. This two day course was exactly what I needed. So much great info in a simplified way! Thank you for the privilege to learn from you Kimbo! Highly recommend to all heating engineers who cares what they do! Thanks

Jack lee

9 months ago

I’ve learnt more in the past two days with kimbo than I have done my whole career, I highly recommend any heating engineer to sign up to this course and have their minds opened up to a completely different view on plumbing. Learning how to save time as an engineer, save the customer money and help save the planet? I don’t know what more you’d need in a course! Yes it’s a long day in a classroom and I’ve never been great in that situation but Kimbo kept it interesting and engaging throughout holding my attention for that long in itself deserves a 10/10 but the knowledge this guy shares is genuinely mind blowing. Thank you for your time and knowledge Kimbo can’t wait to put everything into practice! 10/10!!!!


9 months ago

Wow!! I’ve learnt more about heating systems in two days with Kim then all of my combined months of training prior to this. I’m gas safe, unvented certified, ASHP accredited and nvq level 2 qualified in plumbing and heating! I never thought I’d not hate microbore! Thanks a bunch Kimbo!!

Elliott Marriott

9 months ago

Excellent course very in depth, lots of information to process over the 2 days but explained very well by kimbo.


9 months ago

I came on this course as I’ve heard it’s the best one, and it didn’t disappoint. Kimbo gets his point across so well and gives you all the help you need in a well produced A4 booklet.I’ve done the heat geek course online and though I enjoyed that very much I think I’ve come away from Kimbo’s course with more tools to use to get my heating design as efficient as possible.Highly recommend this to anyone who dares to call themself a heating engineer. Thanks Kimbo

Michael Abraham

9 months ago

Having recently been on kimbos course i can honestly say it was brilliant.Lots of information to digest in 2 days but put across perfectly in kimbos way. I highly recommend this to help further your knowledge on heating design, it certainly changed the way im looking at systems now.

Danny Morris

9 months ago

Great 2 days, could easily be 3. Learned loads. Everyone needs to do this course to bring the industry out of the dark ages. Thanks Kimbo


9 months ago

This course is very in-depth and you will learn a lot about the heating industry- from old wife’s tales to the correct way of doing things.Kimble breaks it down into simple terms, although you still need to be switched on and absorb it all in, it’s explained in a manner that you won’t disengage.Would highly recommend this course if your looking to further your knowledgeCheers kimbo

Steve Cole

9 months ago

Mind blown, great teaching with great content. I would recommend it not just for heating engineers but for anyone working in the retrofit world.


9 months ago

Brilliant course, kimbos enthusiasm is infectious, highly recommend toHeating engineers that want to improve their knowledgeOf low temp heating systems

James Bexter

9 months ago

This is a great course that simplifies the science associated with hydronics. Kimbo is a great teacher and the class atmosphere is pretty relaxed. You’re never made to feel daft about asking any questions and Kimbo does stop periodically to make sure everyone’s keeping up which I thought was great. There’s a course book that comes with the training that is also really helpful as a point of reference as there’s a lot to take in. I found this course much more beneficial than previous online courses that I’d tried as you can actually ask questions as you go and not try and sift through various forums set up by a course to try and find an answer.

Thomas Neill

10 months ago

Very happy with the 2 day Hydronics course I just completed. A must do course if you are looking to improve your knowledge on heating system design. Kimbo has great way of teaching, there is a lot to take in but everything was explained so well. A great atmosphere amongst the class and the course was fun. I highly recommend. I hope to see you again in the future. Thanks Kimbo.

James Mullen

10 months ago

Fantastic course. I'm a retrofit coordinator rather than a heating engineer and I still gained a lot of useful knowledge and understanding from the course. Very accessible but also scary how the wider industry is so poor!


10 months ago

I was attending at 2 days course of mr kimbo and it was really grateWonderful person with amazing knowledge he was very helpfull snd was talkink about everything non stopAll i can say thank you for all you didfor us

Craig Brookes

10 months ago

Fantastic course and something i recommend to all heating engineers who want to improve the efficiency of their systems.I love Kims enthusiasm and this is the best training course currently available!


10 months ago

Just completed the 2 day Hydronics course with Kimbo, what a font of knowledge. I would recommend every engineer attend this. Well presented and enjoyable, gets things over without overly complicating things, Kimbo keeps you entertained whilst cramming information into your brain.


10 months ago

My mind has been blown. I never claimed to be an expert at what I do, but sitting with Kimbo for two days has really made me question what I’ve been doing all these years!The course was broken down into easy to understand chunks, taught by someone who’s seen it and done it. Kimbo has the patience of a saint, and didn’t hesitate to humour multiple questions from a simple pipe strangler like me.Get yourself on this course, you won’t regret it

Dave Fitzgerald

10 months ago

It’s been a year for me of upping my game. Leaning new skills and finally understanding our systems. Kimbo you’re a star delivering this course as if you wrote it yourself haha. Plan English now bill no sales wouldn’t think twice about doing it again


a year ago

Kimbo’s course is fantastic! The course is delivered in a simple yet engaging way by Kim who’s also a great laugh! It take the some what complicated aspects of low temperature heating and turns it in to a manageable and practical solution, easy to instantly include it in to your daily job. A true asset to the heating industry!

Mario Ntiso

a year ago

Kimbo has made an outstanding course which is easy to understand and put to practice. Best course in the UK so far.

James Bell-Taylor

a year ago

Outstanding course! Kimbo is brilliant in his delivery. The course allows you to learn the processes through the working examples and through group discussion. I can’t recommend it enough. Unbelievable value for money and you go away armed with the knowledge and skills to put the information into action

John wood

a year ago

John wood plumbing Heating & RenewablesThis course is well-structured and covers a wide range of topics in a comprehensive informative yet simple way. Kimbo is able to explain complex concepts in a clear and concise manner. The course handouts are also excellent, and they provide a valuable reference guide.One of the things that makes this course so valuable is that it covers both the theoretical and practical aspects of hydronics system design and installation. Attendees learn about the principles of hydronics, as well as how to select and size pumps, pipes, and other components. They also learn about the importance of flow velocity and pressure drop, and how to design and install LLH and ccT systems.Another great part is that he explains how to correctly balance and commission heating systems. This is an essential skill for any heating engineer, as it ensures that the system operates efficiently and reliably.Overall, the Kimbo Heating Academy course on pump sizing, pipe sizing, flow velocity, separation (LLH & ccT's), how they work, and when to use them is an excellent resource for heating engineers of all levels of experience. I  highly recommended it for anyone who wants to improve their skills and knowledge on wet heating systems.  Flow is King!!

Neil Rhucroft Heating Services Ltd

a year ago

If you're looking to learn about heating system design. Look no further. Kimbo teaches it in a way that everyone can understand. I learnt way more on this course than another more expensive course, which I won't name . He's even got a great sense of humour. I could have spent a week learning about it. It was that enjoyable.

Andy Noad

a year ago

What a fantastic two day course delivered by Kimbo.Best training I have done by a long way. Would highly recommended to anyone looking to improve their knowledge.

Dean - Avail Heating

a year ago

A fantastic course for anyone wanting to raise the bar in the industry. A fairly intense 2 days of soaking up knowledge and information, however the way Kimbo presents is engaging throughout, as well as being in a simple enough format for it all to be taken in without too much head scratching. Come with the intention of learning and you’ll leave confident enough to tackle any heating system.Cheers KimboFlow is King!

Revel Gas Services

a year ago

This is the 2nd time I have attended Kimbos course(that says a lot in itself), the first time was 4yrs ago and it started me off on a path of personal learning and improvement. It was great to do it against and refresh some of the points and help me realise I'm already doing better than I was 4yrs ago. I can't recommend doing this course enough, yes it's a lot to take in but it's very rewarding. Thanks Kimbo.


a year ago

I had been recommended this course by other engineers whilst on a gas course. Having spent the last few months exploring renewable energy options - I felt my knowledge wasn’t quite there and was looking for something other than ‘manufacturers’ courses.This course was the ideal solution and not specific to renewables- in fact I now have the knowledge to design really efficient systems for gas boilers.Now spread the word …one plumber at a time

Antanas Mastaras

a year ago

This was the only course in my last 25 years, where I managed not to fall a sleep. Perfectly executed by Kimbo. Despite being quite intense, there was still enough time for us to engage in debates with same minded people. As many others said, this is exactly what the rotten to core heating industry needs.Massive thanks and respect to Kimbo!

Ben Beuzeval

a year ago

An incredibly informative course that is an absolute must for any forward thinking heating engineer. I particularly enjoyed the way Kimbo presented it. He personifies the heating system and its components making complicated topics easy to digest. At times it felt like I was going on a journey through the pipes of the heating system, thoroughly enjoyable. You come away with a solid understanding of real world ways to make a difference. It’s a movement and we’re all part of it. Thanks Kimbo.

Dexter Ross-Nichol

a year ago

Great course, which has been excellently structured with loads of information. Everything is translated into simple terms so it is easy to take in. Kimbo is a real credit to the industry! keep up the good work and thank you!

Mark Cunningham

a year ago

Kimbo simplified everything which made the information easier to digest, course workbook is now my go to guide, having done the Heat Geek course, which I would recommend, there was a lot that I was unsure about until I attended Kimbo, heating industry needs people like him, I came away knowing a lot more and feeling more confident generally, thanks again Kim

Tim East

a year ago

A really enjoyable few days of no- nonsense learning, thank you Kimbo

Liam Dack

a year ago

Best course I have been on since my apprenticeship. Recommend to anyone and everyone, I believe this course should be made compulsory to anyone wanting to be a heating engineer/ gas safe. Kimbo is a fantastic guy and is on a one man mission to change the industry. I for one am right behind him.

Steve G

a year ago

Kimbo firstly thanks for giving us your timeI was a bit apprehensive to attend but once the first coffees were out the way and Kimbo got into his flow I was impressed and soon realised I needed to listen and absorb all I could.I’ve done all my necessary courses Bpec Heat Pump rubbish and manufacturers courses. And obviously the normal Gas Safe OFTEC ones that we need to do. But found Kimbos one of the most informative. I’ll be honest be prepared to be able to keep up with Kimbo. But the man has a lot to get across. So it was great to be taught in a manner we can understand better. Thoroughly enjoyed it and would have attended a 3 day course if it was an option. My folder I got to take away is now sitting by my side so I can refer to it as needed.Keep doing what you’re doing Kimbo the industry is all the better for having you giving back.

Mark Hall

a year ago

Advanced heating theory, principles and practical techniques delivered in straight talking and relaxed way. An absolute must do course for all heating professionals.


a year ago

Amazing couple of days taking in new info and refreshing old info. Kimbo delivers the info in a clear way that gets you thinking and builds your confidence for designing efficient systems that will work whether it’s a boiler swap or complete new system. Kimbo makes you feel at ease and obviously so passionate about helping people learn. Fully recommend to anyone.

Chris Roberts

a year ago

This is 5he best training I've come across and gives allot of power and ability of demistifying the smoke and mirrors of heating system engineering. All this taught by an absolute master in communicated distilled down key information in a clear and concise way. Thank you Kimbo!


a year ago

Kimbos course is outstanding, offering a clear way to simplify complex subjects. Whether you're an installer or work in maintenance, this course is essential, thanks to Kimbo's knack for simplifying intricate systems. It significantly boosted my knowledge of system design and the correct installation methods. I'm truly grateful for the enjoyable training experience

Struan Miller

a year ago

Two incredibly beneficial days learning from Kimbo, and I now know what I didn’t know. Kimbo does a great job at delivering the information in simple terms and takes the guessing out of heating systems so we can make our decisions on facts. Will recommend to everyone !Cheers Kimbo


a year ago

This course was absolutely brilliant from start to finish. Would recommend it to everyone in the industry to go on. Really clear and concise delivery.

James Delaney

a year ago

This course is a must for anyone in the heating industry no matter how experienced you are. This will open your eyes to how systems should be designed and set up to maximise efficiency. Kimbo really knows his stuff and presents it in a very relaxed format.

Petros anastasiou

a year ago

Without a doubt one of the best courses i have been on.Defiantly recommended if you want to know how to plan and run systems efficiently . Thank you Kimbo for your time and knowledge

Jon Garvey

a year ago

Any heating engineers looking to push on and really learn about heating systems this is the course for you. Everything was made so easy to understand and credit to kimbo for coming up with a system to teach so much in only two days. By far the best course I’ve been on.I couldn’t recommend enough

Tom Steatham

a year ago

I had been very disappointed with the previous courses undertaken regarding energy efficiency and low temperature heating systems through Bpec.I researched Northampton Heating Academy, after coming across his twitter page. Thank god I did!This course is basic and raw in the most positive way possible. All information on the PowerPoint / handouts are all informative with no fuffler. The days are long with minimum breaks but what I have learnt in the space of two days, would have previously been a six week course.I can't thank Kimbo enough for his time and effort he puts into his classes! He goes above and beyond to help promote better practices from each of us heating engineers, while promoting thinking for ourselves and not to be blinded by brands and warrantiesCheers Kimbo.


a year ago

Well done Kimbo. Well put together and presented. The knowledge passed on should be the standard, not an optional extra for those looking to do better. If you care about this industry, this is probably the best value for money course available.

Peter Mayne

a year ago

A lot of information to take in, but delivered well.