
Ben Torbet

2 months ago

Superb 2 day training course covering everything you need to be an actual proper heating engineer! If you want to better your knowledge in an easy to digest way then you can't beat Kimbo's delivery. Would happily do it again!!

Gareth Hurford

2 months ago

The best course in system design I have sat. I would highly recommend this to any engineer wanting to improve themselves, Kimbo's knowledge is mind-blowing.

Murray McConnachie

2 months ago

A course that’s quite easy to understand. A real eye opener to system design. Would happily recommend.

Michael Mckeown

3 months ago

Fantastic course, far better than the geeky online one I did. Kimbo simplifies the subjects and makes them more practical to use in the real world that plumbing and heating engineers work in. I will be sending my apprentice on this course when he is ready, thank you.

Lee Maher

5 months ago

Excellent course and put across just how plumbers and heating engineers can understand. Anyone thinking of fitting a heat pump needs to get on the course.


5 months ago

Brilliant course a must do for anyone that wants to understand hydronics and getting the best out of a heating system. Kimbo has put together a top course that's easy to follow he's a very approachable guy so you don't feel stupid asking any questions of quiries you might have. There is a lot of info to take in over the 2 days but the booklets you get covers everything you learn on the course. Cheers Kimbo


5 months ago

Great course with no unnecessary faff , would highly recommend.

James Williams

5 months ago

It’s the f f f f first training course that I have ever done where I have come away from the course feeling like it was worth every penny, Kimbo certainly knows his stuff and get the information across great clarity. Would highly recommend, thanks Kimbo

Ben Courtnage

5 months ago

Just completed the 2 day hydronics course in Newbury.I must say this one most informative well planned out courses ive ever been on! Some really complex but interesting stuff made understandable by a great teacher.Thanks kimbo!

John McGregor

5 months ago

I did the hydronics course.I’ve not, in twenty years in industry been on a course that has been as informative and relevant. Kimbo is very passionate, the strategy just makes sense and the numbers stack up. As our customers ever increasingly ask how they can save on energy. We can now better design and implement better strategies, very cost effectively. I can definitely recommend it.

Martin Carroll

5 months ago

Excellent Course, Kimbo is a brilliant teacher, makes everyting very simple to understand and most importantly put into real life.Cant recommend this course enough if you want to up skill in the heating industry.Its all about the FLOW!Thanks Kimbo


5 months ago

Can't really thank Kimbo enough for all the efforts have been put into creating such a brilliant course, absolutely amazing! Just right amount of theory to understand the physics followed by real life examples of applications to help understand boiler choice, pipe sizing, pump setting up, radiators sizing and a lot more. Heat pump retrofitting aspect was incredibly helpfull. Surely I cannot recommend it enough

Marcus Diamond

5 months ago

Just finished the course and loved it. I’ve done lots of courses over and career and this best one. I’ve learnt so much in 2 days I would’ve been happy to spend the whole week training with Kimbo, he’s a legend.

Paul Brown

5 months ago

I’ve been in the plumbing and heating industry for just over 40yrs and attended many training courses, the couple of days spent with Kimbo for me has been really informative and enjoyable.For anyone thinking of going into fitting heat pumps this course will give you confidence to size pipe work, radiators and pumps.This course is the best investment that you will make in yourself, I cannot recommend it enough.

Elliott Dupree

5 months ago

This course is by far the best I've been on, this stuff should mandatory learning for everyone in our trade.

Graeme Munro

5 months ago

Big thanks to kimbo for the last 2 days. This course has been a true eye opener on how we can all be better.You explained everything in a clear concise manner which made it easy tonunderstand.

James Lewington

5 months ago

I’ve completed the Kimbo course - for the second time.!!Why a second you may ask- for me it was a chance to absorb some of the information I missed first time.Extremely valuable course and if you are considering doing it- don’t hesitate.

Steve Webster EGE Ltd

5 months ago

If you only do one course it must be this one! Guaranteed to come away far more knowledgable. Kimbo takes a complex subject and presents it in a clear logical format.It’s not just another course, it’s an investment.

James Ashton

5 months ago

I’ve spent years in the industry and over time you learn new things and gradually think you know most things that there are to know. Kimbo’s course changed my mind on that and actually proved I was only scratching the surface. What you learn in 2 days is unbelievable, his approach and charisma makes the whole thing a brilliant experience. I would recommend and will be trying to arrange for all of our engineers to get on the course. Thank you again!

Jon Kitchen

5 months ago

I have done a few training courses recently, and by a country mile Kimbo’s Hydronics Course has been the best.I love the way it was done, a simplistic approach to the maths, processes and how and what things should be installed and why.He highlighted the facts where our industry is poor and how we can easily make a difference, saving everyone money and the planet.I am already a far better heating engineer than before, and have a clear focus on how I can get even better.There is a lot of information to digest and I would love to have another day or two.I hope this content finds itself on all apprenticeship courses soon, this stuff should be mandatory.It was delivered in a friendly dynamic environment where knowledge and experience is bounced about all over the place, Kimbo is highly knowledgeable and so enthusiastic and passionate. I’m sure he has forgotten things I don’t even know yet!I highly recommend this course.Thanks Kimbo.

Phil Morton

5 months ago

Absolutely fantastic course, brilliantly put together. Kimbo has got a real passion for this and it really comes across. There’s a lot of information and all of it is insightful, digestible and can be put to use immediately.I couldn’t recommend this course highly enough, it should be taught as an industry standard but anyone will benefit from it and it will make you stand out from your competitors.Worth every penny and more! Thanks Kimbo.


5 months ago

There's so much useful information to take your average understanding of heating systems to the next level as it should be, totally worth it.

Stephen Ayers

5 months ago

Just been on the hydronics course by Kimbo. I have learnt a fantastic amount in 2 days which will help me in better understanding the relationship between pipe sizes and lengths,resistance,presure losses. Having a better grasp of pump sizing and the effects of pump speed on heaing systems. PDHW,CCT,LLH,WC,OT,PI TRV'SKimbo is enthusiastic and is quite simply the main man to speak to...Like he says ""the maths don't lie"" simplified equations without 4 decimal places. The course Will make system fault finding easier and make me think twice about pipe sizing.If I could spend a week with him(training!!) Definitely would. I cannot recommend this course enough for experienced technicians who want to learn ways to make All systems more efficient.Thanks again Kimbo

Ashley Horn

5 months ago

The Best 2 days training I have ever had in my 21 years in the industry.Kimbo is the most enthusiastic and passionate trainer I have ever seen. Amazing knowledge and great delivery. A lot to learn but I firmly believe the simplest way to understand and internalise. (I have completed other well know hydronic training at home through videos)It’s a long 2 days but I was still 100% focused at 5pm on day 2. Whereas most courses your struggling by 3 pm! Not this one!Well done and thank you Kimbo you are an asset to our industry.Ashley

Ashley Tapp

5 months ago

Brilliant course and a massive eye opener on doing things the best way and being more efficient. Kim I has simplified the maths chat. Which really helps and gives people who aren’t as academic as others a good chance of understanding it all. Very knowledgeable man is kimbo and the course is taught very well. There’s a lot to digest in two days, I would happily be there all week, giving more time to take it in but also go over more renewables. Personally I think they should be implementing this in to the future teaching of level 3 heating as it would help newly qualified plumbers the correct knowledge going forward for the future of heating systems and ASHP systems. Thank you again kimbo. Great course!

Paul Leedham

6 months ago

I originally had a discussion with Kimbo regarding the new heat pump Apprenticeship. It then followed that I booked on his course in Bristol and travelled from Sheffield. For the entire course I was engaged and interested on all subjects. No parts were too difficult and each part was progressively introduced with a gradual increase in difficulty to further knowledge on Hydronics. I have a background in installation and training myself and I found this course to be relevant, up to date and interesting. Everyone on the course was engaged, helped each other throughout the course, and we all left satisfied.I would unreservedly recommend this course to installers that want to further their knowledge on hydronics.

Sam Thomas

6 months ago

The last couple of days learning and listening to Kimbo talk about heating in a way I’ve never heard or been taught. I would recommended this to anyone who’s ready to be blown away but also wants to make change in our industry. Worth every penny!

Lee Tidball-Zapp

6 months ago

Wow. Tough topics taught with language you can understand.I'm sure Kimbo is the Messiah, and we are the apostles of the heating industry. I strongly advise you to attend the course, learn and pass it on to your colleages.. We have to spread the word.Previously an atheist, but now I believe in Kimbo.


6 months ago

Excellent couple of days with this extremely knowledgeable and passionate man. There is a lot to take in but worth it. Really helpful in how things can and should be done these days to make heating systems more efficient. I would recommend this course for every single heating engineer to help make our industry better. It’s also nice to meet someone with the same opinion on logics as me!

Mark Russell

6 months ago

Excellent course & worth every penny just for Kimbo’s entertaining teaching style. Would have liked the course to last longer as so much useful information to digest.

Alex Anderson

7 months ago

Absolutely fantastic course made even better by the fact that it is delivered by someone as knowledgeable and passionate about the heating industry as Kimbo is. The way he is able to relay the information is what makes this the best course I've personally been on. Great to be surrounded by like-minded heating engineers sharing different opinions and knowledge. Worth every penny spent.

James Gerwat

7 months ago

Absolute top notch course. Most important 2 days of your career.Kimbo's enthusiasm is infectious . His knowledge & more importantly his ability to share this know-how in a clear & memorable way, is second to none.This course is an absolute necessity if you strive to be the best.

Richard Carr

7 months ago

Great course from start to finish , there is a lot to absorb over the two days but the way Kimbo gets the information across and encourages involvement in conversations is very helpful in achieving this ,This course is a must for anyone installing low temperature heating systems either with fossil fuel or renewable energy.

Tom Squires

7 months ago

Brilliant course. Mind blown. If you haven’t booked already get it done wish I had done it years ago.

Alex Mckechnie

7 months ago

Kimbos course is an absoloute must for anyone who wants to expand their heating knowledge. He does warn you to “come with a clear head”! Although there is a lot of information to take in over the two days, kimbo delivers it in such a great way, he has everyone’s attention from the very beginning to the end. Unfortunately he’s retiring at the end of the year, so if you get a chance to, I’d highly recommend you book a place on his course asap!!


7 months ago

Kimbo’s course is fantastic! The course is delivered in a simple yet engaging way by Kim who’s also a great laugh! It take the some what complicated aspects of low temperature heating and turns it in to a manageable and practical solution, easy to instantly include it in to your daily job. A true asset to the heating industry!

Gas Man Cornwall

7 months ago

A fantastic course & very well delivered! A real eye opener, even after 23 years in the industry. I strongly encourage everyone within the industry to attend this 2 day course - you will not regret it!


7 months ago

I’m so glad I did this course. Quality of teaching was superb. Relaxed atmosphere. Lots of information to digest in 2 days. If you think this is a typical course where you get thinned out by 4pm, then think again. 8-5:30. No pass or fail, just one guy passing on his knowledge of expertise. A reel must do if you want to be at the top of your game. Would highly recommend. Thanks Kimbo

James Hodgson

7 months ago

Great course and well delivered, great information and insight to what we should all be trying to achieve, will definitely be recommending it to others thanks again Kimbo

Dave Todhunter

7 months ago

Great course one I will probably remember for the rest of my life , Kimbo has his own very special presentation skills and brings what could be a complicated subject within the grasp of everyone .all heating engineers should attend this course .

Neil kiernan

7 months ago

no one gets more than 9/10 because there is always room for improvement well this is an exemption from the way everything is explained from the reason in the first place a question asked to the dog with a bone way of finding the truth and using that information in a practical way kimbo is the man so 10/10 -5 stars it is.remember the truth is out there

Jake barnes

7 months ago

Easily the best course I’ve ever done. The knowledge and information you receive on the 2 days is unbelievable. I can’t recommend it enough. If you’re a heating engineer this is the best course with value for money you will undertake. Can’t recommend it highly enough.I will 100% be doing the course again in a few months time to confirm all I learnt and have put into practice is correct.

Steve Jordan

8 months ago

Unique course which sets out to equip heating engineers with all the knowledge and understanding required to properly design, install and most importantly commission systems correctly. If you genuinely want to give your customers a quality install and a system that runs efficiently find time to do this course.Thanks Kimbo


8 months ago

Informal but very informative. Kimbo simplifies complex information and delivers it in such a way that allows everyone to understand the technical side of things we deal with day in and day out. Highly recommend to anyone looking to raise their game as a heating engineer!

Jim Faulds

8 months ago

Great couple of days, relentless download of information, some all new, some confirming what you’ve read before, some giving a new angle on what you thought you knew, all of it useful, most of it essential and all given over in a no nonsense, easy to grasp, simple to remember way- all plumbing learning should be like this- well done Kimbo, five stars!


8 months ago

Great 2 days of learning in an environment where the students are able to all keep up with the material thanks to Kimbo keeping everyone engaged with the subject.One of the first training courses that kept me engaged for the full 2 days due to the delivery of the course although fast paced everyone involved could keep up thanks to the straight forward approach to delivering the subject matter made it easier to understandThanks again Kimbo really appreciated your time and help finding some answers and filling some gaps and giving me more confidence in future projects.

Plumb Tidy Ltd

8 months ago

I attempted this course with an open mind but sceptical to as how much I will learn and how it will benifit me. Kimbo has opened my mind to how things should be done with a bit of thought and planning my installs from now on will be a lot more environmentally friendly, cheaper for the customer to run and last longer. He has shone a light on technical specs of boilers and systems and not to be fooled by some of the all singing all dancing systems and appliances with bells and whistles that the marketing team want you to see. Going forward this course has benifited me and my future customers. Cheers Kimbo!

Marcus Bull

8 months ago

What can i say other than my brain was mashed but in a good and positive way,even though Kimbo was full of cold he put over a informative and constructive course i a humours way and made everyone feel welcome, it was definitely an eye openers to how we approach the whole heating industry and how much we all can improve our skills, fantastic course and would urge everyone to attend, thank again Kimbo

Todd Glister

8 months ago

I had heard extremely good things about this course from multiple people, and they really wasn’t wrong! I have learnt so much, and will continue to spread the word via my socials and on Fix Radio that every heating engineer should do this course. I thought i was doing an ok job of my own work until this course and now it’s changed everything! My approach to work will be different. Kimbo explains everything so well and in real world terms, A hydronics course can seem daunting but i promise you once you do this you will have the confidence to crack on and make yourself a better engineer. Considering for myself it was a couple of days off work, plus hotel and course fees i can safely say it’s some of the best money i’ve ever invested! Top Course and thanks again Kimbo!

Michael abbott

8 months ago

This course opens your eyes up massively. I came on this course to touch on reasons why. I’ve ran into a few issues on some of my bigger installs lately and nobody had the answers. After two days with kimbo I’m not only confident I know how to resolve these issues but I have an understanding as to why they have happened. Thanks kimbo

Craig Richards

8 months ago

One of the best courses I have ever done ! The amount of knowledge you gain from the course is amazing and kimbo explains it all brilliantly if you want to learn how to fit a boiler or heat pump the right way get on this course it will help you so much when it comes down to the hydronics side of things

Nick Bunyan

9 months ago

Wish I'd found out about this course sooner. Enjoyed every minute of it. Kimbo imparts a huge amount of his hard-fought wisdom backed up with practical examples and golden reference material. No matter what your experience, you will not regret attending this course. Exceptional value for money too.


9 months ago

Just finished the two day course with Kimbo and I cannot recommend highly enough, I have been in the industry for over forty years and this is a total eye opener. Kimbo presents concise information in an easy to understand manner and takes you to the next level, which is where we all need to be if you want to call yourself a heating engineer. The two day course is packed with information, there's no extended breaks and finishing early! you get your money's worth and Kimbo does a fantastic job of presenting advanced knowledge in a progressive and easy to understand manner. Thank you Kimbo for enlightening me and very grateful for the knowledge you share with us.


9 months ago

Great course very in depth, lots of information to learn,Highly recommend to all heating engineers you will learn a lot. 10/10


9 months ago

Amazing. This two day course was exactly what I needed. So much great info in a simplified way! Thank you for the privilege to learn from you Kimbo! Highly recommend to all heating engineers who cares what they do! Thanks

Jack lee

9 months ago

I’ve learnt more in the past two days with kimbo than I have done my whole career, I highly recommend any heating engineer to sign up to this course and have their minds opened up to a completely different view on plumbing. Learning how to save time as an engineer, save the customer money and help save the planet? I don’t know what more you’d need in a course! Yes it’s a long day in a classroom and I’ve never been great in that situation but Kimbo kept it interesting and engaging throughout holding my attention for that long in itself deserves a 10/10 but the knowledge this guy shares is genuinely mind blowing. Thank you for your time and knowledge Kimbo can’t wait to put everything into practice! 10/10!!!!


9 months ago

Wow!! I’ve learnt more about heating systems in two days with Kim then all of my combined months of training prior to this. I’m gas safe, unvented certified, ASHP accredited and nvq level 2 qualified in plumbing and heating! I never thought I’d not hate microbore! Thanks a bunch Kimbo!!

Elliott Marriott

9 months ago

Excellent course very in depth, lots of information to process over the 2 days but explained very well by kimbo.


9 months ago

I came on this course as I’ve heard it’s the best one, and it didn’t disappoint. Kimbo gets his point across so well and gives you all the help you need in a well produced A4 booklet.I’ve done the heat geek course online and though I enjoyed that very much I think I’ve come away from Kimbo’s course with more tools to use to get my heating design as efficient as possible.Highly recommend this to anyone who dares to call themself a heating engineer. Thanks Kimbo

Michael Abraham

10 months ago

Having recently been on kimbos course i can honestly say it was brilliant.Lots of information to digest in 2 days but put across perfectly in kimbos way. I highly recommend this to help further your knowledge on heating design, it certainly changed the way im looking at systems now.

Danny Morris

10 months ago

Great 2 days, could easily be 3. Learned loads. Everyone needs to do this course to bring the industry out of the dark ages. Thanks Kimbo


10 months ago

This course is very in-depth and you will learn a lot about the heating industry- from old wife’s tales to the correct way of doing things.Kimble breaks it down into simple terms, although you still need to be switched on and absorb it all in, it’s explained in a manner that you won’t disengage.Would highly recommend this course if your looking to further your knowledgeCheers kimbo

Steve Cole

10 months ago

Mind blown, great teaching with great content. I would recommend it not just for heating engineers but for anyone working in the retrofit world.


10 months ago

Brilliant course, kimbos enthusiasm is infectious, highly recommend toHeating engineers that want to improve their knowledgeOf low temp heating systems

James Bexter

10 months ago

This is a great course that simplifies the science associated with hydronics. Kimbo is a great teacher and the class atmosphere is pretty relaxed. You’re never made to feel daft about asking any questions and Kimbo does stop periodically to make sure everyone’s keeping up which I thought was great. There’s a course book that comes with the training that is also really helpful as a point of reference as there’s a lot to take in. I found this course much more beneficial than previous online courses that I’d tried as you can actually ask questions as you go and not try and sift through various forums set up by a course to try and find an answer.

Thomas Neill

10 months ago

Very happy with the 2 day Hydronics course I just completed. A must do course if you are looking to improve your knowledge on heating system design. Kimbo has great way of teaching, there is a lot to take in but everything was explained so well. A great atmosphere amongst the class and the course was fun. I highly recommend. I hope to see you again in the future. Thanks Kimbo.

James Mullen

10 months ago

Fantastic course. I'm a retrofit coordinator rather than a heating engineer and I still gained a lot of useful knowledge and understanding from the course. Very accessible but also scary how the wider industry is so poor!


10 months ago

I was attending at 2 days course of mr kimbo and it was really grateWonderful person with amazing knowledge he was very helpfull snd was talkink about everything non stopAll i can say thank you for all you didfor us

Craig Brookes

10 months ago

Fantastic course and something i recommend to all heating engineers who want to improve the efficiency of their systems.I love Kims enthusiasm and this is the best training course currently available!


a year ago

Just completed the 2 day Hydronics course with Kimbo, what a font of knowledge. I would recommend every engineer attend this. Well presented and enjoyable, gets things over without overly complicating things, Kimbo keeps you entertained whilst cramming information into your brain.


a year ago

My mind has been blown. I never claimed to be an expert at what I do, but sitting with Kimbo for two days has really made me question what I’ve been doing all these years!The course was broken down into easy to understand chunks, taught by someone who’s seen it and done it. Kimbo has the patience of a saint, and didn’t hesitate to humour multiple questions from a simple pipe strangler like me.Get yourself on this course, you won’t regret it

Dave Fitzgerald

a year ago

It’s been a year for me of upping my game. Leaning new skills and finally understanding our systems. Kimbo you’re a star delivering this course as if you wrote it yourself haha. Plan English now bill no sales wouldn’t think twice about doing it again


a year ago

Kimbo’s course is fantastic! The course is delivered in a simple yet engaging way by Kim who’s also a great laugh! It take the some what complicated aspects of low temperature heating and turns it in to a manageable and practical solution, easy to instantly include it in to your daily job. A true asset to the heating industry!

Mario Ntiso

a year ago

Kimbo has made an outstanding course which is easy to understand and put to practice. Best course in the UK so far.

James Bell-Taylor

a year ago

Outstanding course! Kimbo is brilliant in his delivery. The course allows you to learn the processes through the working examples and through group discussion. I can’t recommend it enough. Unbelievable value for money and you go away armed with the knowledge and skills to put the information into action

John wood

a year ago

John wood plumbing Heating & RenewablesThis course is well-structured and covers a wide range of topics in a comprehensive informative yet simple way. Kimbo is able to explain complex concepts in a clear and concise manner. The course handouts are also excellent, and they provide a valuable reference guide.One of the things that makes this course so valuable is that it covers both the theoretical and practical aspects of hydronics system design and installation. Attendees learn about the principles of hydronics, as well as how to select and size pumps, pipes, and other components. They also learn about the importance of flow velocity and pressure drop, and how to design and install LLH and ccT systems.Another great part is that he explains how to correctly balance and commission heating systems. This is an essential skill for any heating engineer, as it ensures that the system operates efficiently and reliably.Overall, the Kimbo Heating Academy course on pump sizing, pipe sizing, flow velocity, separation (LLH & ccT's), how they work, and when to use them is an excellent resource for heating engineers of all levels of experience. I  highly recommended it for anyone who wants to improve their skills and knowledge on wet heating systems.  Flow is King!!

Neil Rhucroft Heating Services Ltd

a year ago

If you're looking to learn about heating system design. Look no further. Kimbo teaches it in a way that everyone can understand. I learnt way more on this course than another more expensive course, which I won't name . He's even got a great sense of humour. I could have spent a week learning about it. It was that enjoyable.

Andy Noad

a year ago

What a fantastic two day course delivered by Kimbo.Best training I have done by a long way. Would highly recommended to anyone looking to improve their knowledge.

Dean - Avail Heating

a year ago

A fantastic course for anyone wanting to raise the bar in the industry. A fairly intense 2 days of soaking up knowledge and information, however the way Kimbo presents is engaging throughout, as well as being in a simple enough format for it all to be taken in without too much head scratching. Come with the intention of learning and you’ll leave confident enough to tackle any heating system.Cheers KimboFlow is King!

Revel Gas Services

a year ago

This is the 2nd time I have attended Kimbos course(that says a lot in itself), the first time was 4yrs ago and it started me off on a path of personal learning and improvement. It was great to do it against and refresh some of the points and help me realise I'm already doing better than I was 4yrs ago. I can't recommend doing this course enough, yes it's a lot to take in but it's very rewarding. Thanks Kimbo.


a year ago

I had been recommended this course by other engineers whilst on a gas course. Having spent the last few months exploring renewable energy options - I felt my knowledge wasn’t quite there and was looking for something other than ‘manufacturers’ courses.This course was the ideal solution and not specific to renewables- in fact I now have the knowledge to design really efficient systems for gas boilers.Now spread the word …one plumber at a time

Antanas Mastaras

a year ago

This was the only course in my last 25 years, where I managed not to fall a sleep. Perfectly executed by Kimbo. Despite being quite intense, there was still enough time for us to engage in debates with same minded people. As many others said, this is exactly what the rotten to core heating industry needs.Massive thanks and respect to Kimbo!

Ben Beuzeval

a year ago

An incredibly informative course that is an absolute must for any forward thinking heating engineer. I particularly enjoyed the way Kimbo presented it. He personifies the heating system and its components making complicated topics easy to digest. At times it felt like I was going on a journey through the pipes of the heating system, thoroughly enjoyable. You come away with a solid understanding of real world ways to make a difference. It’s a movement and we’re all part of it. Thanks Kimbo.

Dexter Ross-Nichol

a year ago

Great course, which has been excellently structured with loads of information. Everything is translated into simple terms so it is easy to take in. Kimbo is a real credit to the industry! keep up the good work and thank you!

Mark Cunningham

a year ago

Kimbo simplified everything which made the information easier to digest, course workbook is now my go to guide, having done the Heat Geek course, which I would recommend, there was a lot that I was unsure about until I attended Kimbo, heating industry needs people like him, I came away knowing a lot more and feeling more confident generally, thanks again Kim

Tim East

a year ago

A really enjoyable few days of no- nonsense learning, thank you Kimbo

Liam Dack

a year ago

Best course I have been on since my apprenticeship. Recommend to anyone and everyone, I believe this course should be made compulsory to anyone wanting to be a heating engineer/ gas safe. Kimbo is a fantastic guy and is on a one man mission to change the industry. I for one am right behind him.

Steve G

a year ago

Kimbo firstly thanks for giving us your timeI was a bit apprehensive to attend but once the first coffees were out the way and Kimbo got into his flow I was impressed and soon realised I needed to listen and absorb all I could.I’ve done all my necessary courses Bpec Heat Pump rubbish and manufacturers courses. And obviously the normal Gas Safe OFTEC ones that we need to do. But found Kimbos one of the most informative. I’ll be honest be prepared to be able to keep up with Kimbo. But the man has a lot to get across. So it was great to be taught in a manner we can understand better. Thoroughly enjoyed it and would have attended a 3 day course if it was an option. My folder I got to take away is now sitting by my side so I can refer to it as needed.Keep doing what you’re doing Kimbo the industry is all the better for having you giving back.

Mark Hall

a year ago

Advanced heating theory, principles and practical techniques delivered in straight talking and relaxed way. An absolute must do course for all heating professionals.


a year ago

Amazing couple of days taking in new info and refreshing old info. Kimbo delivers the info in a clear way that gets you thinking and builds your confidence for designing efficient systems that will work whether it’s a boiler swap or complete new system. Kimbo makes you feel at ease and obviously so passionate about helping people learn. Fully recommend to anyone.

Chris Roberts

a year ago

This is 5he best training I've come across and gives allot of power and ability of demistifying the smoke and mirrors of heating system engineering. All this taught by an absolute master in communicated distilled down key information in a clear and concise way. Thank you Kimbo!


a year ago

Kimbos course is outstanding, offering a clear way to simplify complex subjects. Whether you're an installer or work in maintenance, this course is essential, thanks to Kimbo's knack for simplifying intricate systems. It significantly boosted my knowledge of system design and the correct installation methods. I'm truly grateful for the enjoyable training experience

Struan Miller

a year ago

Two incredibly beneficial days learning from Kimbo, and I now know what I didn’t know. Kimbo does a great job at delivering the information in simple terms and takes the guessing out of heating systems so we can make our decisions on facts. Will recommend to everyone !Cheers Kimbo


a year ago

This course was absolutely brilliant from start to finish. Would recommend it to everyone in the industry to go on. Really clear and concise delivery.

James Delaney

a year ago

This course is a must for anyone in the heating industry no matter how experienced you are. This will open your eyes to how systems should be designed and set up to maximise efficiency. Kimbo really knows his stuff and presents it in a very relaxed format.

Petros anastasiou

a year ago

Without a doubt one of the best courses i have been on.Defiantly recommended if you want to know how to plan and run systems efficiently . Thank you Kimbo for your time and knowledge

Jon Garvey

a year ago

Any heating engineers looking to push on and really learn about heating systems this is the course for you. Everything was made so easy to understand and credit to kimbo for coming up with a system to teach so much in only two days. By far the best course I’ve been on.I couldn’t recommend enough

Tom Steatham

a year ago

I had been very disappointed with the previous courses undertaken regarding energy efficiency and low temperature heating systems through Bpec.I researched Northampton Heating Academy, after coming across his twitter page. Thank god I did!This course is basic and raw in the most positive way possible. All information on the PowerPoint / handouts are all informative with no fuffler. The days are long with minimum breaks but what I have learnt in the space of two days, would have previously been a six week course.I can't thank Kimbo enough for his time and effort he puts into his classes! He goes above and beyond to help promote better practices from each of us heating engineers, while promoting thinking for ourselves and not to be blinded by brands and warrantiesCheers Kimbo.


a year ago

Well done Kimbo. Well put together and presented. The knowledge passed on should be the standard, not an optional extra for those looking to do better. If you care about this industry, this is probably the best value for money course available.

Peter Mayne

a year ago

A lot of information to take in, but delivered well.

Hedd Hughes-Gage

a year ago

Amazing couple of days with Kimbo, a real eye opener in domestic hydronics. This course is a must Kimbo packs an incredible amount of information that I will now apply to all my installations.Thanks

Rhys Gravelle

a year ago

Undoubtedly two days of invaluable investment to further your knowledge and understanding of the heating industry. A real eye opener and you will leave armed with the practical knowledge and ability to improve your game and make your installs the best they could be. Could not recommend this more. Kimbo is an absolute legend! Thanks mate

Shane Churcher

a year ago

Without a doubt one of the most honest, informative courses I’ve done in years. Technical stuff told in layman’s terms, without any airs or graces.This course is a must for installer’s to measure where they are in the industry….and a MUST for the direction the industry is going.

Owen Coghlan

a year ago

Course was recommended to me by another plumber and thank god I listened to him. Kimbo is delivering a course that should be compulsory for all heating engineers, especially now with low temp systems and heat pumps. Really impressed by the vast amount of information that is in this course. Keep up the good work Kimbo.

Mateusz Pawelek

a year ago

Well its 2nd time I've went trough that course as needed refresher. It eye opener. Allowed you to look at system from different angle, new approach to design large complex system can be simplified. Thank you

Warren G

a year ago

Fantastic course with lots of real world examples delivered by Kimbo in a very enjoyable format. Cant recommend enough thank you Kimbo.

Tim Broughton

a year ago

A real light bulb moment. All the course is in plain simple language. Makes you realise how we have been doing installs well, but not as good as we could be. Now i understand so much more, things ive done without thinking really, that i now look at in a different light. Ive been in the industry for 18 years, every day is a school day. Thank you Kimbo!

Craig Palmer

a year ago

This course should be compulsory for all heating engineers. Myself and one of our engineers attended this week and it was a real eye opener. Kimbo is a top bloke who cracks on to make sure you get as much info as possible over the two days, but will always stop and take the time to explain further if anyone is struggling. A relaxed learning environment with a great teacher to learn from. Thank you Kimbo!

Roger Parkinson

a year ago

Well every day is a learning day as they say, but Monday & Tuesday this week were Enlightened. I decided to plump for a couple of days training which came with no formal qualifications, however I have to say I have learnt more in those two days than I have in my last (ahem) 35+ years in this industry. I have to thankKimbo Bettyfor an engaging & humorous delivery of material which should be the foundation of all heating engineers,plumbers,gas engineers & renewable engineers every day education. Can't thank you enough and will take all the new found info rattling round in my head into my everyday work life.


a year ago

I couldn’t recommend this course enough!! I would encourage any heating engineer to do the course, it’s 2 days of useful information which I can’t wait to put into practice. Kimbo is such knowledgeable bloke.

Tom Sewell

a year ago

I attended the hydronics course in Burnley. I Cannot recommend Kimbo’s course enough!I feel like I’ve seen the light!The course is packed with information I feel like I’ve learnt a hell of a lot in just 2 days. Going forward I shall never look at another job the same way.Kimbo managed to cram a hell of a lot of information in the course but it’s delivered in an easy to understand and extremely entertaining way. If you’re thinking about this course just go for it. It’s worth every penny!


a year ago

DEFINITELY a must do course!! Especially now, more than ever the way the industry is going. A full on 2 days and my head literally hurts but worth every second. Don’t think I’ll ever be the guy with the long forehead, or the guy with the really long forehead but it’s given me the foundation to push on and really understand what we as heating engineers need to be doing and give our customers the best possible systems we can.Thanks again Kimbo, all the best.

Sune Nightingale

a year ago

It was a great pleasure, as well as his excellent and thorough teaching of hydronics, to also experience Kimbo's open attitude to issues around men's physical and mental health, which was a brilliant example, and invitation, to the those participating to normalise those topics of conversation. V impressed in many ways

Dawn Parnell

a year ago

Anyone can “talk through” a course but Kimbo is passionate about what he does and therefore delivers a course which is informative and delivers knowledge on another level. For those who haven’t been on his Hydronics Course, you’re missing out! This man is a Legend and has a wealth of knowledge to share.

Simon Lockwood

a year ago

I used to replace boilers and upgrade installations?I followed Kimbo Betty and Rob Berridge and was intrigued because as mentioned above I replaced boilers. Following my enrolment on both courses I now have a more fundamental understanding of hydronically separating installations using the heat academy and are getting involved on a day to day basis of being a better heat engineer. I don’t want to dismiss heat geek but for value for money. Using the Academy to be a BETTER Heat Engineer is a No Brainier. Knowledge is Key to being whom you want to be tomorrow.

Jack Robinson

a year ago

Fantastic course that you come out if more knowledgeable than you went in. Kimbo was great. Thanks kimbo

Alex Manton

a year ago

Awesome course, to help gain more knowledge on low temp systems,, remember its all about the FFFFF Flow haha..........highly recommended

Liam Hyslop

a year ago

Attended the Kimbo Low Temperature Heating course with the heating academy . If you are a heating engineer then this is must go to course up to date technical content the modem heating engineer must know delivered by Kimbo in a language trades people can understand as Kimbo says you only know what you know and there is a lot know … My advice book now !


a year ago

Excellent course. I learned a lot even having years of experience. Very good clarity on how to do things better.

David Joyce

a year ago

Great course, great.guy (sounds a bit like Bradley walsh)Really interesting and really quite technical content put across clear and concise. Would definitely recommend it to anyone who wants to sharpen up their heating knowledge.

Neil @ Nmb heat pumps

a year ago

I recently had the opportunity to take kimbos Hydronics course, and I must say, it exceeded my expectations on multiple levels. This comprehensive training program provided an in-depth understanding of hydronic heating systems.I can confidently recommend it to anyone looking to expand their knowledge in this field.Kimbo demonstrated a profound expertise in the subject matter and delivered the course with clarity and enthusiasm, making complex concepts easy to grasp.Moreover, the course kept up with the latest industry developments and technologies, ensuring that we were equipped with up-to-date knowledge and skills. I appreciated the emphasis on sustainability and energy efficiency, highlighting the importance of environmentally friendly solutions in hydronic design.Kimbo and his Hydronics course provided a well-rounded and enriching learning experience. It not only deepened my understanding of hydronic systems but also equipped me with practical skills applicable to real-world scenarios. If you’re looking to enhance your knowledge in hydronics and low temp system design, I wholeheartedly recommend this course as a top-notch option.

Dave Hunt

a year ago

A must for any forward thinking engineer, I couldn’t recommend this more! Kimbo makes a daunting topic simple, and his ability to hold your attention and understand is second to none.

Andy Carr

a year ago

Kimbo is the best course presenter I have come across. He is absolutely passionate about hydronics and low temperature heating. After attending this course you will never leave pumps on setting 3 again and be able to work out flow rates and circuit resistance with ease. A must course for any installer who wishes to take pride in their installations.

Martin - Firepower

a year ago

What a course and so well delivered by Kimbo with passion and humour. This is a real must for all heating engineers, if you want to get the most out of a heating system, attend this course!

niall walsh engineering

a year ago

i came over from Ireland to do this course it has been the best course i have ever attendedit is amazing how much you can learn in two daysKimbo makes the course very enjoyable with his organisation and humourthe course is a must do for anyone in the heating industrythe course notes makes designing systems easythanks Kimbo

David Elston

a year ago

The best training course i have attended. I believe this is a must for ALL heating engineers and plumbers who wish to further their knowledge and gain understanding of system hydronics. Full of easily understood methods of calculation and easy on site references. The knowledge gained from this course is invaluable.


a year ago

Packed full of really useful information, Kimbo was amazing, really friendly and really knew his stuff, couldn’t recommend enough!!

Jamie Bennett

a year ago

Invaluable course to undertake, it is a real eye opener. Kimbo explains things in an easy to understand way and keeps everyone engaged. System design, flow calc's, pressure drops and separation are just a few topics that are covered. No more S plans...... ;) Would recommend anyone who wants to further their understanding of hydronics to undertake Kimbo's course, you will not regret it.

Sean Keleher

a year ago

What a brilliant course. This is a course everyone should get on to.The course highlights where hydronics is key now for some jobs you get involved with where the system is not working as it should, but more importantly the future understanding of the need to know more about system hydronics. It will show how important pipe sizes and rads are with low temperature systems and retrofitting a heat pump onto an existing system. You will understand how to calculate a system design with different delta T’s, hydronic separation and why a system or heat pump is not working to the efficiencies it should do, where it is down to the hydronics of the system. A very intense two days full of practical examples to go though.I would highly recommend this course.Well done Kimbo.

Saffron Heating

a year ago

Well what can I say ? It's the best course I have done .I do many installation and repairs so I didn't expected to learn much. But after day 2 I have realised that I have to go long way.... Kimbo has shown to us the best practices for installation , design and more Very useful information that I simply Didn't know... After those 2days with Kimbo I have learned very much important information like sizing pipe work and boilers properly, hydrolic separation ,heat pumps and more.... Already talking to my colleagues to attend that training. Thank you Kimbo -you are Good Old school engineer with very useful practical skills... We should all be doing work properly after that knowledge....

George Tiefenthaler

a year ago

A must do course for all involved in the heating industry. The content is delivered in an easy to follow, understandable and engaging way. Kimbo is great and his enthusiasm and knowledge is infectious. The course handbook and literature is worth a hundred times the course fee!! It was a refreshing change to spend time with other interested and engaged engineers and the two days flew by.


a year ago

Real eye opener. Great bloke. Great course.

Icy Hot Ltd

a year ago

Most excellent. Down to earth, informative in ways I didn't even know I needed to know. I have completed all the Heat Geek courses and learnt additional information here along with faster and simpler ways of carrying out calculations, learnt even more about pumps and hydronic separation. The boost in confidence the course has given me is very much appreciated! For the price...why wouldn't you expand your toolkit? Just do the course. You'll make the money back on the first job you do to undo OPS!


a year ago

Great course delivered on point. This is a good course on hydronics and gives you what you need to put it into use in real-world situations. A must do course when working in our ever changing industry. Cheers Kimbo and get well soon.

Elliott Brown

a year ago

Great course thanks Kimbo. Would definitely recommend


a year ago

Great course. Delivered with great passion that makes it very engaging.Defiantly have to walk away & do your homework afterwards.No bullshit, just delivered as it is, using the science to prove the point.In my opinion a must for for heating engineers.Kimbo, Thanks for a great course.CheersNikk

Steven Kirton

a year ago

I found this to be a great course, the relaxed way it was presented.If you're interested in heating systems,this course is money well spent.

Ben Rogers

a year ago

Hands down simply the best course I have ever been on. Should be made compulsory for all heating engineers! 2 days of time well spent and worth every penny. I cannot recommend this course enough. Like HeatGeek but delivered in a human and understandable manner. As others have said, it makes you look back at all your work done in the past and question yourself. Thankyou Kimbo!

Leah El-Toukhy

a year ago

Absolutely fantastic course! I do not come from a heating background and am very much a beginner but Kimbo made the content very easy to understand and to apply to real world scenarios. Kimbo was also very engaging - the 2 days flew by. I would highly recommend this course!

Jordan Buchanan

a year ago

A big thanks to Kimbo for an excellent course. He made a difficult subject understandable. As I am relatively new to the heating industry, I found the course to be insightful and helped me to understand hydronics on a whole new level.Thanks Kimbo!!!


a year ago

What an eye-opener!Finally understood properly how it all works.Great way of dividing the course with PowerPoints, discussions and tasks in the workbook.Engaging at all times. Would highly recommend!

Josh Paton

a year ago

What a guy! Kimbo really knows his stuff! Can’t believe how much I didn’t know regarding system hydronics, really given me the inspiration to carry out my work as efficiently as possible. Knowledge is power and kimbo is giving the industry the knowledge everybody should have!Can’t wait to see what other courses he’s offering.

Steve Martin

a year ago

Fantastic course, can see why it takes two days !Made the dark science of hydronics relatable to our day jobsDone in a brilliant easy to understand wayNeed to get this out there as quick as possible before our industry implodes

Sam Dennis

a year ago

What a great course!. Kimbo has got this down to a tee. His knowledge and enthusiasum for the heating industry is second to none. Would highly recommend this course to all.

Darren Stone

a year ago

What a great course. Kimbo certainly gave us as much knowledge as he could within the time we had to take it all in. Its great to have someone like Kimbo thats enthusiastic to teach others who are keen to improve the way they install their heating systems.Learnt so much within the two days, to be able to apply it on all my work going forward.I now know why you dont get much time for breaks as there is so much to get through.Thanks Kimbo

Jay Bourne

a year ago

Firstly Kimbo has to be one of the most knowledgeable engineers I have come across, his knowledge and wisdom is second to none when it come to hydronics.If you strive to know more, be better and want to understand how plumbing should be done, do yourself a favour and book on this course.I can guarantee you will have a completely different mindset when you finish!Kimbo thankyou!


a year ago

Beware, this course is not for the faint of heart!If you're easily offended, or if you don't like change. Then this isnt for you.However for the rest of us, this course is literally the best course i have ever done. You wont regret doing it.How can i call myself a heating engineer before doing this course?Kimbo takes the science that is heating and presents it in such a clever way that we can understand and use imediately in our day to day working life.I would reccomend doing the heat geek awakening course first, or doing kimbos course twice. Otherwise you'll never take everything in first time round.Hopefully if enough engineers learn this stuff we can change the industry for the better.Thanx kimbo :)

Paul Milford

a year ago

The course was excellent, with loads of valuable information, this was my second time I attended and all the information sunk in a lot quicker. Kimbo explains everything in a great way.Highly recommended!!


a year ago

Be prepared for a barrage of everything hydronics, for heating and domestic hot water. I recommend a couple good night's sleep and don't expect to be sliding off for early finishes. Kimbo has a wealth of knowledge and delivers the course in a very digestible way. He offers a thorough breakdown of how best to achieve efficient systems, and makes you question why we are still doing things 'the way it's always been done'. 5 * from me.Thanks again Kimbo

Gary March

a year ago

Kimbo this course was next levelI am writing this review to express my gratitude for the invaluable learning experience I gained from attending your hydronic heating course. The course was structured exceptionally well,the content was organizedKimbos knowledge on the topic was exceptional and highly impressive. Highly informative and engaging.Overall, the course exceeded my expectations in terms of content, engagement, I would highly recommend this course to anyone interested in hydronic heating or anyone looking to expand their knowledge in this field.Once again, thank you for providing an incredible learning experience.Gary

Steve Gill

a year ago

So glad I attended this course. It is well structured and helps you understand the principles of good heating design and for me, it highlighted things I can do to further to improve efficiencies of even the simplest of boiler installs. Although the course was about hydronic separation, there is so much more to gain by realising that the “principles” we are taught when entering the heating industry are not entirely accurate. Another positive element for me was finding out about products that are now available, how they work and when they would be used. This wasn’t a sales trick but an insight into real products that will make a real improvement to our installs. I would highly recommend this course and Kimbo is a great, down to earth tutor.


a year ago

Brilliant course.Love Kimbos passion for what he teaches along with his humour.Kimbos lessons are easy to follow and full of valuable knowledge.I’d say the course is hands down the best course I’ve been on.

Trevelyan Oates-White

a year ago

Top quality course delivered from a top quality bloke. Since taking this course its made me question every installation ive ever done. A lot of information delivered in a easy to understand format. This is the information every heating engineer in the country needs to know.

Ben Blyth

a year ago

Absolutely superb training. Kimbo is one of the leading engineers in the industry and the realistic hope for a better trained, more informed and higher performing set of engineers. If you want to advance in the industry and actually understand how systems work, should work and why they don't, it's a must to go on the course. This isn't a manufacturers ""training"" course. Brilliant training, great to meet you Kimbo.

Shane Kosic

a year ago

Done some other big name training courses out thereKimbos course really cemented home the reasons why it needs to be done and how to apply on site,Very glad to have detailed pump section on the course, as I felt this was my weak point and what other courses lacked,Was really good to learn what happens if we don’t implement these things into our work when it before we are on site, rather than just how to do them.I genuinely feel that this course was finally the hand to turn the key in my mind on system design, and feel I now finally fully understand system design & why it should be done properly.Hats off to KimboThanks

Darrell Relton

a year ago

Grrat course, hope i can do it justice and apply it, Kimbo made it easy to be able to for those on the front line

Anthony sanders

a year ago

I turned up to the class thinking i would learn a thing or two and by the end of the two days realised there was another way to do things, a way to design and install better heating systems and do more for our customers, it was humbling and exciting, i left with a real urge to be a better engineer and question the beliefs of “this is how we’ve always do it” ….no more, its now, “this is now how we do it right” cheers Kimbo and team

Chris Brooks

a year ago

The hydronic’s course that kimbo offers is easy to digest and is really useful in every day scenarios that I encounter. Kimbo has not only made me think differently about heating systems but has also changed the way I would normally install boilers and heating systems . IfYou want to become a better engineer this is where you start . Kimbo thank you very much for opening my eyes and my mind!


a year ago

Superb course, full of really useful information which is explained in an easy to understand way by Kimbo. Would strongly recommend it to any Plumbers/Heating Engineers who want to improve there knowledge and understanding of heating systems.


a year ago

Fantastic course! Full of useful knowledge in away that was easy to understand. I’m Looking forward to putting everything I’ve learnt into practice and helping my customers


a year ago

Great 2 days loads of info hopefully will be a better engineer moving forward

Chris McCarron

a year ago

So I wasn’t going to leave a review as I and doubted my ability to get across how worthwhile this course is but maybe that sums it up? Packed with info to make you a better engineer.

Kieran Ross

a year ago

A great 2 day of learning how poor the industry has been for so long and how we can do better,Kimbo is so knowledgable, dont hesitate on going on this course at the next opportunity


a year ago

Fantastic course! Learned so much in just 2 days. Kimbos passion and commitment to passing on his knowledge is second to none. I would have quite happily sat for another 2 days listening and learning from Kimbo. Would highly recommend this course expertly delivered and plenty of laughs along the way!

Mat Taylor

a year ago

Great two day hydronics delivered by kimbo. Very informative and set at a good pace to make sure everyone is up to speed, friendly atmosphere too. Would highly recommend.

Tim Mycroft

a year ago

I'd been trying to get onto this course for maybe a year but kept missing out but when I eventually managed to get on the course it did not disappoint. Kimbo is a really brilliant teacher, really suited my learning style and you get fantastic handouts. I'd already been doing elements of his recommendations (weather comp, PDHW) for years but never fully understood the theory behind it and now feel so much more confident selling it in and seeing where I can further tweak systems for maximum efficiency. The trick now is having the time to put this fully into practice. I cannot recommend Kimbo's course highly enough, whatever level you are at, you will learn something, just book it!


a year ago

Great course. Loads of information. Booklet you are given is a great idea. Has all the course covered in it and you can you use it on site to help yourself if you are struggling on things.Would def recommend to anyone doing systems/larger systems to learn/refresh your memory about the pipe sizing and CCT and LLH etc.

Paul Paton (The Boiler Doctor Ltd) ATAG Technical Consultant

a year ago

This Coarse Should be compulsory for All Heating Professionals we have never had such a crisis in our industry we all Need to understand how and why we MUST STOP wasting Energy Low Temperature systems are the future so there’s no room for Guesstimates anymore nobody builds a house without plans ? So why install a system that hasn’t been planned or designed for the specific needs of the building & customer. .Kimbo is a talented experienced Engineer he is passionate about our trade and is committed to genuinely helping engineers to develop their skills to be able to stand out from the crowd

Terry Frame

a year ago

I highly recommend Kimbo's course, he is a top fella. The course is well-structured and and very informative. I have spent thousands over the years on training and have always walked away unsatisfied but when I finished Kimbos course, my mind was overflowing with information.It has given me the confidence to take my career to the next level.

David Henry

a year ago

Great course definitely a must if your one of those people that needs more understanding on how to set up heating systems correctly especially with the price of energy. no tests and stuff like that just kimbo passing on his knowledge he felt was missing and went out and put all the dots together. Lots to take in but worth it for what you will get out of it in my opinion. Kimbo got the passion and it shows


a year ago

Kimbo makes the knowledge understanble. Its all about understanding what you are doing and why, instead of being told it needs to be done that way. This is the only training that I'd be happy to do again.

Brett Barker

a year ago

Outstanding course. Every heating engine should attend this course. Kimbo is a top guy and really cares about getting system design right and that comes across in the way he teaches it. Highly recommended

Eccles Heating Services

a year ago

Really enjoyed the course and came out the other end with more knowledge and confidence to tackle the big jobs

Lee Brown - IMS Heat Pumps

a year ago

What a great course! It all ties in so well with the fundamentals of hyrdronics and is delivered in such a charismatic and entertaining way by Kim - what a guy


a year ago

I did Kimbo's course many years ago when it was a one day course, It was alot to take in and a bit of an eye opener but started me on a journey, I recently did his two day version which was excellent and compounded the knowledge I had built on over the years (thanks to Kimbo). A great two days with like minded people.

Sam Yarnold

a year ago

An excellent training course. Kimbo tackles best practice heating system design with a technical yet common sense approach.

Zaahid abdin

a year ago

Kimbo’s course was one of the best courses I’ve been on, there was also a booklet given which has lot of information to help you out. I learnt a lot in 2 days and this course is a must for any heating engineer.


a year ago

Outstanding course, loads of information explained very well. Kimbo hasso much passion and makes sure everyone attending is up to speed and understands.This is not a course that is trying to sell a product.a must for any heating engineer

James Flemington

a year ago

Kimbos hydronics course is an absolute “must do” for any installer who wants to deliver top notch engineering. No more guess work, or best guess installs. Kimbo delivers a very practical, real life, nuts and bolts course.Well worth the money. Set at a good pace. There’s a handy booklet and reference material too.Kimbo is a genuinely friendly and passionate guy…and as such the course was a pleasure to take.


a year ago

Kimbo is an asset to the industry. There is no other course like it, i learned so much in just two day's. The course should be part of the current apprenticeship scheme. I would highly recommed any heating engineer to attend.Thanks kimbo.

Dave Buckingham

a year ago

This is the best course I’ve done in a long timeKimbo has a way of teaching that keeps everyoneengaged . If you have done the heat geek coursethis brings it all together in a much better way .A very enjoyable 2 days highly recommended.Thanks Kimbo really appreciated .


a year ago

Amazing 2 days of proper learning. Like kimbo says its a room full of people who want to be there so 2 days of no nonsense learning. If you dont know it before you will after.

Adrian Snell

a year ago

After heating so much positive feedback I booked the course and wasn’t disappointed as it was really informative and Kimbo has the ability to make it all very digestible. Knowledge is power and I’m extremely pleased with everything I have learned. Top guy and I would highly recommend it.

Sam Jones

a year ago

The most value for money training any heating engineer can do! I mean this honestly, you’ll have so many light bulb moments that will tie your entire career together. Kimbo will explain things in a no nonsense manner that make learning in this great atmosphere so fun. Don’t get me wrong, you’re still sitting down to listen to someone speak, but every moment was worth it!It was a pleasure to finally meet you Kim, after all the times you’ve personally assisted me on site. You are a true gent and a valuable member of our industry

Simon Lockwood

a year ago

Watt is a Joule per Second. You may understand the equation but the need to learn about temperature and moving it is in my view what this course can facilitate. The two day course will open your mind and fill in the blanks, Kimbo’s aptitude and the way he delivers this course is truly inspiring and will open a whole different Avenue in your mind and assist you in the future.

Neil Bradshaw

a year ago

A great couple of days with Kimbo learning new things and from others on the course! Highly recommend it to anyone looking to up their game!

Dean. D.A.S Heating

a year ago

Great course can’t recommend enough lots of helpful information over two days for a very small fee . From pipe sizing , low loss headers to sizing pumps correctly your be amazed what you learn. Very enjoyable 2days

Paul Dixon

a year ago

What a great course, I can’t believe Kimbo packed so much in in the two days. I will have to go away and go over my notes before I forget anything. If you haven’t been on this course you need to book asap. The best course I have been on and learnt so much.

Jason JPG Heating

2 years ago

Wow!!! Has to be the best plumbing course I have ever been on. Learnt so much in just 2 days. Crazy the way we have been lead to believe this is how things are done. This course really opens your eyes to what we should all be doing.Kimbo's passion for the industry & helping us to achieve savings for customers & the environment is second to none.Really recommend the course !!


2 years ago

Brilliant learning experience, I can honestly say this is the most I’ve learnt about the technical side of domestic heating since I was an apprentice in the early 80’s.Thanks Kimbo, I feel enlightened . . . . .

Cliff Arnold

2 years ago

This is a great course to attend. Kimbo has created a great way to enhance knowledge of heating engineers with a simplified explanation of how heating systems should be sized and designed. Proving a useful reference guide for continuous learning. I encourage all engineers to attend this course and heighten your personal abilities and elevate your business capability. We hope to work closer with heat academy to help our customers gain the valuable insights provided by this course. Thank you!


2 years ago

This is a really great course, if you have done or are thinking about doing Heat Geek then this covers a lot of the same stuff but in a much more comprehensible way, I think both courses complement each other really well.It's a lot to take in over two days but Kimbos's presentation and delivery are excellent making it much more fun & entertaining than this sort of thing would usually be. His pipe & pump sizing method is also much simpler than Heat Geeks & you get a handy on-site reference booklet to take away from the course which is really useful.

Ian Morgan

2 years ago

This course is a game changer, have always know about all the calculations you should be carrying out but have never been able to get my head around them. Kimbo has done all the hard work for you and provided a booklet that is a bible of information that has been broken down to a very useable guide. One man on a mission to change the heating industry. He’s a legend. Don’t hesitate! Book the course immediately, you will be a better engineer the day you step out of his classroom.

Jack Ellis

2 years ago

Brilliant course! Learnt a lot and look forward to putting it into practise! Thanks!


2 years ago

What a great course, Kimbo explains everything in an easy to understand language, he explains what everyone has been doing wrong for years and why and how to do it right.Spot on cheers Kimbo


2 years ago

Recently completed the two day course with Kimbo. Hands down the best course I have done to date, with clear explanations of the maths involved.Kimbo wasted no time, no trash talk , only useful information and knowledge shared.It’s a pretty full on two days (we were warned) , packed with real life scenarios and problems.included in the course fee was a useful book of information and tables that I will definitely find useful on site.Luckily the class was full of like minded people, this made the learning process far easier.Will highly recommend your course and thanks again for sharing your knowledge

Dan Bucknall

2 years ago

If you are taking the time to read these reviews then you have already taken the first step toward wanting to be a better engineer. I was once in your shoes and reading these reviews and decided to take the plunge.This course is absolutely spot on. Kimbo’s enthusiasm and passion for change in our industry is what attracted me to taking this course.There are far too many cowboys and combi slingers in our profession who call themselves engineers, set yourself apart from them and get booked on the course.The content is excellent and the way which it is delivered is simplified that most people will understand.It is a solid 2 days of learning but that’s what we want rather than waiting around twiddling your thumbs with endless breaks and lunches.After doing the course you really will see where we’ve all been going wrong in the past and will be capable to deliver better and more cost affective heating systems to your customers.Worth every penny and more!!

Paul , PG Plumbing

2 years ago

This is an awesome bit of insight to why we all have been doing things wrong for yrs !! This is the stuff that needs to be taught at college so that all the new apprentice coming through do stuff how it should be done !Kimbo has a way of getting it into you without sitting there feeling like you are being lecturedIt’s great stuff to now move and put into practice on jobsTop man Kimbo


2 years ago

I attended this course in Lincoln and Kimbo was absolutely fantastic. His method of teaching and his passion towards the heating industry was great. There was so much information to absorb and hardly any breaks, which was good because we are there to learn and gain as much as we can from the course. I really enjoyed it and would recommend this to anyone who wishes to gain more knowledge in the heating industry.

Matt Rigby

2 years ago

Brilliant course. It made my head hurt at times. But really learnt alot. Thanks again Kimbo. Top man

Edward Francis

2 years ago

Great course relaxed atmosphere lots to learn love the calcs made easy with the kimbo method would recommend to anyone wanting gain some good knowledge

Aaron Drayton

2 years ago

Having done Kimbo’s 2 day separation/pump speed/heat pump course I can honestly say it was worth every penny! Having been in the industry for 20 years and owner of a business employing staff I still come away learning a hell of a lot!Highly recommend to anyone wanting to better their knowledge in the industry.

Lee pearce

2 years ago

Wow !! What an eye-opening, humbling experience. Ive been in this industry for over 27 years and learned more about system design and more importantly how bad it actually is in this country in these 2 days than i could imagine. Thankyou Kimbo for an informative and interesting course, would say this is an essential for any heating engineers no matter how old and especially those new to the industry...

Gary Payne

2 years ago

An eye opening 2 days. Now rethinking what I knew and thought I knew to improve the way I approach projects and systems. Kimbo`s drive and enthusiasm is amazing, dont think he drew breathe once in two days, his delivery of the course is in plain and simple terms and very detailed. Well worth attending.Thanks Kimbo

David Mooney

2 years ago

Absolutely amazing course, Kimbo teaches in a way that’s easy to digest (but it’s definitely not easy) I can’t recommend this course enough

Gareth Lyne

2 years ago

Kimbo’s passion for all things heating is infectious from the get-go and really set the tone across the 2 days.There was a lot to learn but he breaks it up well and the supporting work sheets he gives you really help in getting your head around some of the trickier stuff.I probably learnt more about system design and functions in this 2 days than the last 15 years.I left the course with a new enthusiasm for the industry and will be putting some of this new knowledge to work straight away.Cheers Kimbo

Peter mott

2 years ago

This course/training is by far the best out there!Its a lot to take in but once you get you get it The whole layout is superb from the way kimbo explains everything to the take home info bookKimbo explains everything in simple terms and the course content is brilliant and will open your eyes to how wrong everyone dose things.If you want to be the best heating engineer around this course is a no brainer and its brilliant valve

Igor Vasiljevic

2 years ago

This course is an eye opener. For people who seriously wants to persuade heating and plumbing industry as profession they need to learn how to pipe size any system, how to pump size and how hydraulic works. With this course people will be on a path to be better engineers and save themselves from costly mistakes and troubles. Great teaching from instructor

Simon Field

2 years ago

Great 2 daysKimbo is great explains everything well, lots of info a must do. If you were to do one course do this one. My eyes have been opened.


2 years ago

Amazing coarse ! Delivered so well by kimbo ! This coarse should be made a mandatory coarse for anyone that calls them self a heating engineer. Thanks again best money i ever spent !!

Simon Mountford

2 years ago

Great course and amazing delivery from Kimbo. Intensive but all explained in such a way that even my half dead brain could understand. A real eye opener which has inspired me to improve and change what I thought was the right way of doing things in the heating world.Get on this course, you won't be disappointed, unless you're expecting biscuits with your tea Cheers Kimbo

Ben Ormandy

2 years ago

Attended this course in Sheffield - honestly pound for pound the best training I have ever had. Made me rethink everything I thought i already knew about heating systems and taught me so so much! It's an intense couple of days with a lot to get your head around - the handout you receive is well layed out, full of useful info and will serve me for years to come. Onto Kimbo, he explains things in the simplest of ways so they go in and stay there. It's an informal approach that just works for my learning style, I was worried it might be a bit powerpoint heavy but there's good balance. Not a sales pitch like some of the manufacturer courses and not a lazy couple of days of the tools with extended breaks and lunch like other courses!Every heating engineer in the country should attend and these principles should be taught from apprenticeship level going forwards.Kimbo you are a credit to our industry and hope you continue to offer this course for as long as possible. Many, many thanks for sharing your wealth of knowledge and wish you all the best in the future!

Ben Cairns

2 years ago

I'm still fairly new to this heating industry so i was worried this course might be to much for me understand it all but I found this course worth every penny, Kimbo breaks everything down to the point where it's so easy to absorb it all in, he makes the classroom fun enjoyable and gets everyone involved, I can't give this course enough praise, I just wish it was longer!

Georgios Lekas

2 years ago

To be honest I didn’t expect this course to be that good ..But my brain got so much knowledge in 2 days , thank you kimboYou’re the best

James Anderson

2 years ago

Great course; refreshing to have myths dispelled and a lot of time spent not only recapping fundamentals but looking at things objectively with a view to equipping engineers with the knowledge to do their job correctly. Kimbo is a great teacher and his passion is evident. Would definitely recommend.

Dave smith

2 years ago

First this course and how Kim goes thought every part is a must for a professional who want to learn to be a great engineerNext this course or something like this has to be part any apprentice learningKim keep up the GREAT WORK and lovely two days

Ben Fletcher

2 years ago

Brilliant course and a real eye opener to the information that we all really should have anyway but likely don't! Would definitely recommend investing in yourself and getting a space booked - Nice one Kimbo!

Andy Camp

2 years ago

This is by fa fa fa fa far the best course I have attended Kimbo puts it into layman's terms and its easy to follow . THIS IS A MUST IF YOU WANT TO BE A BETTER ENGINEER .. it's certainly given me new enthusiasm for my work , Don't be a Collin get on this course .thank you Kimbo

Rich Cartwright

2 years ago

I had been meaning to go on Kimbos course for a while now having heard so much positive feedback. It certainly met my expectations and beyond. So much content was taught with excellent resources (hand out booklet) to explain in detail. Kimbo goes through examples step by step ensuring no gets left behind. Every heating engineer and plumber needs to go on this course - up skill and refresh. Great case studies to help visualise different scenarios.

Dan Staunton

2 years ago

Without doubt the best course I have attended in 20 years as a gas engineer.Kimbos enthusiasm and passion for the heating industry is infectious. He has really opened my eyes to how things should be done and has given me a lot to think about in the way I plan and install boilers & systems.In my opinion this course is the best money you can spend if you want to become a better engineer.The knowledge Kimbo imparts is presented in an enjoyable relaxed atmosphere in language & terminology that's easily understood if you are in the industry.Cheers Kimbo

Alex McKenzie

2 years ago

Kimbo's course will lay the foundations for you to become a better heating engineer in a rapidly changing industry. Although this course would be of value to anyone in our industry, if you are considering installing low temperature heating systems and heat pumps etc then this should be considered an essential part of your training!

Alex Newnham

2 years ago

Brilliant course! Worth every penny. If you’re a heating engineer who cares about their work then you MUST do this course. It’s a real eye opener and allows you to move forward feeling much more confident about installs. Only wish I’d done it sooner! Thanks Kimbo!

Simon jales

2 years ago

Great course from kimbo !! Such an eye opener on how to do things correctly and how the extra time will make a big difference from design to install .100%recommend.!!

Lewis Hodge

2 years ago

This course is a must if your serious about heating design. Kimbo’s knowledge is mind blowing and now I can’t wait to implement what I’ve learnt into my own work. Keep up the good work

James Bowen

2 years ago

Completed Kim’s course last year and it’s unrivalled compared to any other courses I’ve been on and the handbook you get for future referencing is worth quadruple what the course costs alone, if not more.This has opened my eyes to the world of hydronics and how little I knew before, the industry is on its knees due to mid-information and poor education, it’s men like Kimbo that are taking it upon themselves to change that and his name will go down in the history books as one of the heating industries noble revivers, stop thinking you know enough and get yourself on this course!

Adam Bebbington

2 years ago

What an insight into heating! The Benefits of this course for us and for our customers is invaluable. Kimbo’s passion for this course and the heating industry is infectious. Thank you so much. Highly recommend for anyone wanting to get to the next level in heating and efficiency.

dylan demetrious-wilde

2 years ago

its hard to put into words the value of this course, I have paid through the nose for many courses in our industry and left disappointed, kimbo's course is a breath of fresh air in our industry the course delivered way above and beyond for the price by far the best course ive been on and the enthusiasm that is placed through kimbos teaching methodology radiates onto you as a student to do better in every aspect, I have already implemented what has been taught on this course for the betterment of what I offer to my customers and my own personal satisfaction, top shelf course, top shelf trainer if I could give this course ten stars I would!!


2 years ago

One of the best courses i have attended, intense and loads of useful information. MUST course for any heating engineer

Mark Prinsloo

2 years ago

Quite simply the best 2 days training I’ve ever had. I wished I’d have may Kimbo 20 years ago. I’d rate him with one of the best tutors I’ve ever had and an inspiration. His passion for the industry is an inspiration. I’m going back on the next course too.

Andrew F

2 years ago

Thoroughly enjoyed the course. This is exactly the standard and intensity of training I expected to recieved on my apprenceship over 11 years ago! It really highlights the lack of competence in the industry currently. We need more people like Kimbo to pass on this invaluable knowledge to prevent the same mistakes being made by our predecessors and mentors. Kimbo is a great communicator! I will certainly be recommending this course to others. Thanks again for your efforts.

Henry Bartlett

2 years ago

The most useful course I've been on for years. Eye opening.

Chris Stewart

2 years ago

Worth the money worth the time,After doing kimbos course I'm supprised it's not mandatory across heating engineer. Some really good information and advice. Kimbo is a great teacher and add in plenty of really life to his class making it perfect to apply when on the job. Only complaint is that he doesn't offer a longer course. Thanks kimbo amazing working your doing

Rashid Djamaev

2 years ago

I can't thank Kimbo enough, he provided me very important things in heating industry, so much things just in two days, wow, if you are looking for right and proper knowledge you definitely need to take this course, especially if you are a heating engineer and want to step up to the next level.

Richard Morris

2 years ago

A very enjoyable learning experience that was very intense but taught in a relaxed atmosphere by Kimbo, and explained so well we could all understand. Highly recommended.Thanks Kimbo

Pete Arrow

2 years ago

I enjoyed kimbos course. He said it would be intense and full of knowledge and he delivered exactly that. He explains the theory in understandable terms and is engaging throughout. Fantastic few days


2 years ago

A brilliant, insightful, and eye opening couple of days with Kimbo. I couldnt recommend the course highly enough, it's definitely a game changer.Kimbo is extremely knowledgeable, engaging, funny, and ultimately gets the subject matter across in a very digestable way. Brilliant stuff.


2 years ago

It’s been a pleasure sitting your course, it has opened my eyes to a whole new world of plumbing an well worth the money

Rob gardner

2 years ago

If you want a straight talking no nonsense way of learning then this course is for you . This is the first course I’ve been on where I have not been lost after the first 30 mins and when you finish the course you will understand the logic of the hydraulics of system and pipework. Kimbo is a mind of information always ready to help

Brian Mc

2 years ago

Great two day Kimbo gets over the information in a way that is easy to understand we also had some FFFF laughs as well .


2 years ago

Loved it, really eye opening, and gave me loads to think about moving forward with system design, gained lots of knowledge that I previously wasn’t aware of. Thanks Kimbo


2 years ago

Genuinely eye opening , I considered myself a good and knowledgable engineer and although you can learn new things eveydsy in engineering I just can’t believe how much stuff I learnt over two days that I was instantly using my very next day in work after the course .Kimbo explains it in such a way that it’s easy to take in and his passion is infectious.One of the most insightful courses I’ve done and I would strongly recommend it.

Jon Kelly

2 years ago

Great Course - really interesting and delivered in a way that was accessibleCovers loads of stuff I've never given any thought to previously, because I never knew what a difference it would makeKimbo delivers the material in a really engaging way and explains complicated concepts in simple terms so that you can actually understand themThis course should be taken by every heating engineer that wants to fit heating systems properly so that boilers actually do Condense, never mind getting ready for fitting Low Temperature Heating Systems such as Heat Pumps

Pete Crowley

2 years ago

If you're thinking about doing a heating course to plug the gaps in your knowledge, then do this one. Good engineering practice is key to everything we do as heating engineers. Kimbo has a unique gift, and definately a passion, for communicating the information we all need if we are going to change the way heating systems are designed and installed to work correctly and efficiently, even more critical as we transition to low temperature heating systems and heat pumps.I highly recommend Kimbo's course. Book a place as soon as you can, you'll be glad you did!

Sean Cooper

2 years ago

Genuinely eye opening , I considered myself a good and knowledgable engineer and although you can learn new things eveydsy in engineering I just can’t believe how much stuff I learnt over two days that I was instantly using my very next day in work after the course .Kimbo explains it in such a way that it’s easy to take in and his passion is infectious.One of the most insightful courses I’ve done .

Scott Macleod

2 years ago

Recently did the course and must say I was very impressed. Kimbo makes it all so simple and easy to understand, such an eye opener to fitting boilers and heat pumps. Will definitely change my approach to the industry now, knowledge is power.

Chris muller

2 years ago

Had a great two days being taught by kimbo, great content, by far this has been the best course I have been on in my journey in my plumbing and heating career. This has given me the inspiration and confidence to become more technically minded installer. 5from me. Top job kimbo


2 years ago

Great 2 days Kimbo is very passionate about what he delivers and it’s infectious. Highly rate the course reminds you what actual engineering is.

Liam Roskell

2 years ago

Brilliant in depth independent course. Full on two 8 hours days none stop learning. For me the only way I can learn is in a classroom scenario, taking it all in,’asking questions, passing things round to look how they work. I had been looking a course for a while, with the 4 hour drive to Northampton putting me off. So now Kimbo has taken the course on the road there is no excuse not to get booked on.

Tony collis

2 years ago

What a fantastic course, great to be around a guy like kimbo and to feel his enthusiasm for teaching, in my 20 years of being in the industry I found this course to be the most beneficial, useful and enlightening course I have ever attended, I have done the heat geek course and that was a great learning curve but left me with a lot of questions unanswered, Kimble course has Been the final piece in the puzzle and helped tie up my loose ends with real world practicality, this course should be a mandatory part of every plumbing and heating engineers apprenticeship or training, thanks again kimbo keep up the great work

Michael Palmer

2 years ago

Great course, good value for money and invaluable knowledge learnt! Kimbo manages to put very what seems complex equations and formulas into very easy to understand terms. Extremely glad I’ve been on this course!

John Dare

2 years ago

Brilliant course. Kimbo was extremely knowledgeable and his approach was pitched at the right level for everyone to follow and understand. Kimbo is so passionate about what he knows and this comes across in his presentation. I would highly recommend this course for anyone wanting to further their knowledge in the industry.

2 days with Kimbo at Turf Moor, Burnley

2 years ago

Recently attended a 2 day course with Kimbo at Turf Moor in Burnley. Found it extremely informative and enjoyable. Well worth the money. Would highly recommend but be prepared for information overload... I'm still absorbing it two days later

Tom Froggatt

2 years ago

Great course, everything was explained in a way which made it easy to understand. Kimbo was always happy to answer any questions if you were unsure on anything. If you are designing your own systems then this course is a must.

David Banfield

2 years ago

This course is a must for people installing boilers or heat pumps. I wanted to be able to improve my understanding of how to increase boiler and system efficiencies and this course has definitely done that. Over the 2 days there is a lot to take in but it's all relevant and Kimbo is fantastic in explaining things in a way that is easy to understand and keeping it interesting throughout.I had previously completed the Heat Geek course but I would recommend to do Kimbo's course first. Being able to ask questions directly is a definite bonus.Kimbo is a funny and clever bloke so you're going to have a laugh and you're going to learn a lot.

Michael Gibbs MRG plumbing and heating

2 years ago

Great course and very informative! Kimbo made it easy to understand and is very enthusiastic. it really opened my eyes and we are looking to put what we have learned into practice straight away! I would really recommend this course to anyone looking to get a better understanding of hydronics.

Roy Fugler

2 years ago

The best 2 day training I have ever had, Kimbo is a fountain of knowledge. The 2 days are long but the way Kimbo delivers the course it never becomes boring, he has a great way of passing on information. If you are thinking about going on the course, don't hesitate get yourself booked on and enjoy the 2 day.

Sheldon Guerra

2 years ago

I attended a 2 day hydronic for domestic course it was excellent.Kimbo is an incredibly knowledgeable person and managed to share this with us in a way which was both interesting and engaging.I would definitely recommend this course to anyone wishing to increase their understanding.

Chris Surridge

2 years ago

Wasn't sure what to expect when I signed up and been on a lot of courses that didn't give me what I wanted or needed. This course is perfect for pipe sizing spoken in a language that is easy to understand and digest. What I found great was that it was two very long days but Kimbo kept you interested all day. There was loads of sheets and time to ask questions and double check your work to make sure your understanding what is being explained. I left feeling like I could call up anytime for advice and really found the course just brilliant. Will be sending my apprentice as soon as they are ready

Reece Hughes, Pinnacle Plumbing Heating And Gas Ltd

2 years ago

I’ve always wanted to know how to pipe size correctly, work out heatloss calculations and strive better each day at my job. Seen that Kimbo’s course was up in my area and quickly got the last seat. WOW, was my brain crammed with so much information from Kimbo! The guy is clever, knowledgeable, passionate about the heating industry and funny aswel! He went through all the effort to dumb down so much stuff that looked like you needed a degree in rocket science to work out into a small notebook and made all the workings out for us which Is a great book to now have in my arsenal! For a little over £200 I think its a bargain. Thanks Kimbo for being 1 of 2 people in the UK who run a course on hydronics

Chris Walton - Hydrotech Heating ltd

2 years ago

Completed Kimbos Course yesterday and I have to say what a joy it was to be educated by someone so knowledgeable and passionate about their subject. So much information to take it but done in a way that gives you a chance. This is a course for anyone in the heating industry that wants to open their eyes as to how little they actually know and to leave with all the tools to be able to effectively design any part of a domestic system mathematically (not the guess work we’ve all been taught)Kimbo had a great sense of humour and I thoroughly enjoyed both days. Thank you mate and I hope to cross paths again

Marc De Battista

2 years ago

I attended Kimbo's course to understand how to connect a new UFH circuit to an existing boiler and radiator circuit in the most efficient way (i.e: running the system at low temperature). Not being an installer myself but with a background in automatic control, Kimbo's course was perfect for me. He covered all the required fundamentals with simple maths and then went on discussing practical examples. Every person who deals with heating system should attend such a course IMO. Thanks Kimbo for going out of your way to bring these much needed skills to the heating engineers community!

John Lancaster, Lancaster Heating.

2 years ago

Having recently completed the Two-day course I am coming away with a completely fresh mindset and approach to all my work along with a healthy dose of enthusiasm!The course is very well structed, starting with the basics and moving at a steady pace, providing us with all the information we need along the way to make the most efficient and well-designed heating systems possible.The best part of the course is Kimbo himself, with a fantastic delivery you can see his passion overflowing which is infectious and really makes you engage.There are no wrong questions and no shaming if you don't know certain answers, we are all there to improve together.At the start of the year, I completed the Heat Geek course, this course focuses on peer-to-peer learning as opposed to a face-to-face classroom experience. While the Course was very informative and very immersive in the scientific approach I struggled to find where I would implement the knowledge gained in my everyday working environment. In hindsight I should have probably done this course first to give me a better understanding. I would defiantly recommend the Heat Geek course to anyone who has finished this course and wants to get into the real nitty gritty aspects of large system design and heat pump design.Top course and top bloke!Thanks, Kimbo.


2 years ago

I would like to say that the course provided was the most useful and relevant course I have attended.  I have worked in a few different industries and courses are quite often slow moving and a lot of irrelevant information.  This however was full on with constant relevant and useful information.  I had previously read the CIBSE book and quite honestly a lot of the information in there is very confusing without someone explaining it.  What you have done is provided all of the bits of information in an easy to use formula which makes working out flow, pump setting etc so much easier.  I did not realise how much of an effect the pump has on the overall efficiency of the system.

Mike Parfitt

2 years ago

Best course I’ve been on! Key factual information from start to finish thoroughly enjoyed it and I’m sure the rest of the class did. Kimbo has a fun teaching style but its straight to the point, fact or figure. Really a must for anyone who has been guessing pipe sizing or really wanting to up there game. 100% recommend and i already have been to other engineers! The workbook is another blessing can re-cap key points at any time without falling into 500 pages of nonsense.Wish him all the best in his endeavour of making this industry well informed.Thanks again Kimbo


2 years ago

A truly eye opening course. To be honest, every heating engineer should be doing this course!!


2 years ago

Just finished Kimbos 2 day course on heating hydronic theory.Absolutely fantastic bloke and worth every penny.It is obvious from the start that Kimbo is passionate in what he preaches, he genuinely wants to be there, he wants to develop the heating engineers of the UK to do what we do better.He was so positive and forward thinking, I have come away today absolutely buzzing and feel confident to start tackling jobs with a different approach.He understands the lack of training and knowledge that most of us have never received, he understands the difficulty we get with manufacturers to give us the correct advice and what is right for the customer and not what is right for their profit margins.The content of the last couple of days has been phenomenal! A lot of information to take in and I reckon we only just managed to finish it all in time!But the content wasn’t the best bit, it’s the way it was delivered.Before attending kimbos course I enrolled on the heat geek home study course.Similar to Kimbos course some absolutely great content with the heat geek program but sometimes I struggled to follow some it as it wasn’t face to face training and was quite in depth with lots of algebra and physics, which is great but sometimes I found it difficult to sink in and took me a long time to get round to finishing it.Kimbo has taken the time to break down a lot of the confusing data from CIBSE guidelines and general correction factors for rad sizing with his own workbook, easy to follow worked examples, and loads of information on what controls and where to find them to start putting into practice what we have just learned.Kimbo being an extra military chap, has an uncanny ability to breakdown the information into something that we as engineers can absorb and relate to easily, you can tell he had to learn the hard way and he goes out of his way to make it as easy as possible for us to learn.Why is he so enthusiastic and passionate ? Because as I said earlier he massively believes in what he is doing and wants to make the whole industry better for the sake of us heating engineers, for the sake of the general public to get there heating systems working efficiently as possible and like the man himself said, to safeguard the future of his grand kids in relation to energy usage and climate change.Top bloke, top course can’t thank the man enough

Robbie Hawkins (LWT)

2 years ago

Had the pleasure of attending Kimbo’s course this week in Bristol and Im very grateful he managed to squeeze me in at short notice , three words …. What A Guy The course was extremely informative , it was frightening for me to learn after 20 years in the industry of actually how little I Knew . Kimbo has a very special way of covering “all the spokes of the wheel “, it was like being sat in the Bait Room on site interacting with one of the lads . When asking questions (and I asked a lot ) , kimbo would answer in such a way that it wasn’t patronising, he genuinely wanted to help and try and make myself and others understand where he was coming from .As many will know , there’s a hell of a lot to digest and take in , what I don’t remember or unsure of I’ll try and find the answers in the booklet , and if I fail at that I’m sure Kimbo will pick up the phone if I’m desperate.As I want this review to be as honest as I can , I will say I felt that potentially the course maybe better spread out over a 2.5 - 3day rather than the 2 I had , from my perspective anyway . I think it would benefit in specific a little more time on each “spoke “ and maybe a “Q and A” at the end of each “spoke” , along with maybe and extra coffee /fag break for good measure . Myself , like many others find the classroom and alien environment, we’re used to being out on the tools grafting rather than doing sums etc , I tended to start to switch off slightly after 2 hours at a time with my mind drifting and not concentrating as best as I could have . I understand that’s a personal thing for me and not everyone. I think if it was spread out over a bit longer period then the genuine people who want to better themselves and their knowledge will happily pay extra for the pleasure of Kimbo’s Infinte knowledge on everything heating and system wise..I’m in no way criticising Kimbo or the course , and hope my words don’t come across as that,.5 star review from me Kimbo , keep doing what you’re doing , you’re and absolute character . I really think the course should be a minimum requirement for anyone wishing to work on a heating system old or new to prove competency and knowledge on what they’re actually doing when fiddling about and throwing 35kw combis in terraced houses .As a final note …………F f f f f f f f f f f f FLOW COMES FIRST, FLOW IS KING

Ryan Yeomans

2 years ago

i'm undertaking a big home renovation where i'm doing a lot of the work myself and I'm installing underfloor heating together with radiators as part of it. As i'm a novice in the heating industry with relatively basic plumbing knowledge, I have so many questions that countless hours leafing through forums and youtube videos simply do not answer. I can't explain in this short review how incredibly useful this two day course has been for me. I won't pretend I understood it all immediately, but Kim supplied us with a work booklet and course book which goes over everything. I'm working through that again so I'm getting it all now. It's no surprise this sort of stuff is hard to self-learn as so many different units of measurement are used throughout the industry. The course has been absolutely invaluable for me, at best I've learnt a huge amount and now understand loads about common domestic heating systems and how to design and install them with maximum efficiency, and at worst I now am much more aware of what I don't know (but should, and eventually will) and that is half the battle. Kim puts it all in a comical, intuitive, useful, and easy to understand way. One word i'd use to describe this course: Outstanding. Thanks Kim, please do not retire!

Alex Winters (Libtek)

2 years ago

This is a course everyone in the industry should take. Absolute eye opener, packed with information and put across by Kimbo in a way that gives a proper understanding. So much information though I think I want to do it again!


2 years ago

Highly recommended, eye opener to our industry and the effect it could have on the future, Kimbo made it great to understand and has real passion in teaching this important information.


2 years ago

An absolutely outstanding course. Having spent almost two decades in the heating industry my outlook on system design, specification and Installation has changed dramatically after attending Kimbos course. Since attended the course I now have a much better appreciation for system hydronics and alternative system designs as well as a skill set i never had before when trying to identify and resolve system circulation and flow faults. If your looking to up your game regardless of your industry experience then this course is worth every penny, you won't be disappointed.

Nathan wyatt (NW plumbing and Heating)

2 years ago

Amazing course, would recommend to anyone in the industry looking to better and expand their knowledge. Just looking forward to putting it all into practice. PDHW on all future systems and ""FLOW IS KING

James Debenham

2 years ago

It’s changed the way I think about heating and answered many questions I just couldn’t get out of asking other engineers I know. Would recommend to anyone in the industry and the way the course is set out really works well, on the second day it all comes together. The time and effort kimbo’s put into making the hydronic’s manual is worth the price of the course alone.

Peter Macneill

2 years ago

I think the way to sum this course up is that out of the 14 guys on the course none of us could care less how late we finished. I have been a heating engineer for 22 years and this is by far the best course I have been on and Kim really is a treasure of our industry. I would highly recommend to anyone of any experience.

Gary Mellor (LondonGAS)

2 years ago

Sweltered in the classroom for two days, but worth it to learn from Kimbo Betty from Heating Academy Northampton.It's the course every heating installer should do, to fill in the gaps, the missing parts of our patchy education, to give you a stronger foundation.I only went along to learn more about sizing and understanding pump graphs, as I already knew everything else, flow, velocity, close-coupled tees, separation and PDHW.Or so I thought!Kimbo likes to see that 'lightbulb moment' when the missing pieces finally fall into place. I had a number of those moments, thanks to Kimbo the lightbulb moments were LED and not incandescent.His best asset is being able to break down really complex information into easy-to-understand lessons. The average heating installer doesn't spend his day working in kilopascals or joules, we work in litres per minute/hour and kW - and that's what makes it easy to absorb.Flow is King!Highly recommended.

Harry Cunningham

2 years ago

Best course I have been on in the heating industry. Massive eye opener into hydraulics and pipe sizing. Would recommend to any heating engineer who wants to expand there knowledge


2 years ago

This was the second time I have done Kim’s course and all I can say is it’s the best value for money course I have attended in the heating industry. I like how more content has been added over time, surely this is going to turn into a 3 day event at point? Kim’s passion for the subject is evident in the way he is able to deliver the information to eager ears in simplified easy to understand way. Worth every penny.

Ian Brown

2 years ago

A very interesting course delivery by an experienced engineer who obviously understands his topic and explains it very well. Now i just need to put it into practise.

Jason Andrews

2 years ago

Turned up to find an old man that never stops talking. Kimbo looks like that engineer customer that asks you to explain every little thing you are doing. Turns out he is that kind of bloke but he has found out the information to help you understand and get answers for whatever issue you may have. Having completed a lot of training in my 12 years in the industry, I have never experienced anything like this. The information is repeated very cleverly to help you understand it. It doesnt ever feel like you are going over things repeatedly even though you are. There is always a very slight difference to the information to help you understand and get to grips with the maths behind the magic and break it down to bitesize chunks rather then overloading the brain with too much information. I just wish that kimbo could clone himself to make sure all courses were like this and our industry would be in a much better place.If you are considering booking a place then just do it. You may not use the information provided but when you do come across any issues it will help you understand why you have issues and understand the issue rather then just accepting it will be an issue forever and making the same mistakes over and over again.

Neil Wright

2 years ago

I wouldn't have any hesitation in recommending this course to all in the industry who want to expand their knowledge of Heating and hydronics. Kimbo instantly captivates his audience with his enthusiasm, knowledge and dedication to the Heating industry with a clear and concise delivery coupled with a friendly (your now part of my heating family) feel. Even though they are quite full on days I wished they could have continued on for longer to have the opportunity to soak up even more of his vast knowledge. I hope that the next generation of plumbing and heating engineers in this country will take the opportunity to be inspired at the beginning of their careers by industry role models like Kimbo to push carbon reduction goals using low temperature heating, push innovation, and make a real difference towards achieving a more sustainable future for us all.


2 years ago

This will be the best money you will spend on a course. Kim has a passion for hydronics and the ability to get the best out of it. His knowledge and delivery is spot on and the research and efforts he has put in to produce a resource for the everyday engineer is worth the course fee on its own. The amount of ‘Light Bulb’ moments when it all makes sense!! A course designed for engineers by a real engineer.I now have the knowledge and tools to put efficiency back into heating.Thanks Kimbo


2 years ago

Kimbo has put everything you should have been taught a long time ago and packages in a easy to understand way. The course absolutely fantastic and perfect learning environment. You need all this information to not only improve on the work you’ve been doing wrong for so long but also to improve your clients gas boiler but this knowledge is ESSENTIAL to be able to install and work on heat pumps. Get on this course yesterday!!!


2 years ago

Well where do start???It’s was a eye opening two days to say the least. How Kimbo delivers the message of how things should be done and a simple formula I will remember for the rest of my working life in this industry FLOW IS KING EVERY THING ELSE WORKS AROUND IT.When Kim says bring a clear head his not kidding, it’s simple but parts I didn’t understand he explained and gave examples and a true engineer that he is always willing to listen to how you would do it and why. So many things to take away. I would definitely recommend that anyone in this industry should attend this course because you will definitely come away wondering how thing you did actually work and what you should be doing.Thank you Kimbo it truly was an eye opener for me and a start to a journey to improve my self


2 years ago

Great course and masses of information that’s difficult to find for the average heating engineer that should be common knowledge. Make sure you come prepared as there is lots to learn on every level. A lot of the subjects are simplified brilliantly and the course handout in invaluable. A complete eye opener as to how things should be done by the maths not guessed. Kimbo shares a lot of personal experience that’s tried and tested in some of the system designs as well as other courses worth attending.Great genuine guy too!Thanks


2 years ago

A total eye opener into what we should be doing as heating engineers. Kim does a great job in simplifying the information from the Cibse book into a language that actually makes sense and tells you how to apply it in the scenarios we see day to day.A way to start future proofing your work.Thank you!

Adam Gilhespy

2 years ago

The best course I have attended in 20 years in the industry. Kimbo delivers well-considered, real world content with the passion and style of a Hans Rosling TED Talk. Have never attended a heating industry course out of which attendees emerge truly inspired to apply the knowledge they have learned

Leon wright

2 years ago

What I think I knew turned out to be an old wives tale definitely recommend this course to everyone. Very good 2 days real eye opener


2 years ago

An excellent course delivered with passion by kimbo , even after 35 years in the business I’ve still managed to pick up a load of useful information and know which bad habits I need to change. Would recommend it for anyone with an interest in installing gas and Ashp systems to maximise energy savings

Stuart Watt

2 years ago

What a fantastic two days of training this was in Newcastle. Delivered incredibly well by Kimbo, who evidently has a wealth of knowledge in the heating industry.If you want to step up your game, expand your knowledge and be made to feel very welcome, this is the course to be on. Brilliant.


2 years ago

Very good course,a lot of very good information, well explained. I heartily recommend Heating Academy with Kimbo. Thx again.

James eardley

2 years ago

A relentless 2 days with Kimbo, but thankfully he's a very engaging character and the topics discussed were relevant and extremely well explained. It's quite alarming once you understand the principles he teaches. It feels like it should be law that you understand these things before you go anywhere near a heating system! What it does mean is I really need to go back round all my jobs and adjust the pump!!Definitely would recommend. Many thanks!

Stuart Moffat

2 years ago

So having just finished the 2 day hydronics course, I can honestly say its the most useful and relevant training course ive been on to date. There is a lot of content for 2 days, but Kim does his best to make it enjoyable and (relatively) easy to digest. If you're looking to expand on your knowledge of how to make the most of your heating systems, whether that's a gas boiler or a heat pump, this is definitely the course you need. Its made me want to continue 'down the rabbit hole' and try to future proof my business by staying ahead of the game, keeping my knowledge ahead of the competition and try to save customers some money and stop wasting energy in their heating systems. If youre still on the fence about this course, dont be, its well worth it.

Michael Brooks

2 years ago

Marvelous course, delivered by Kimbo, the man that knows his stuff. By far one of the best courses I have ever been on.

Tony Jacobs

2 years ago

In my opinion, this course is a must-have for all heating engineers wishing to have a better understanding on how heating systems work and the delivery of the heat source, getting this right will play a big part in the carbon foot print and essentially the system you are installing will be running at its optimum efficiency as it was designed for, whether it is a gas boiler, heat source pump or biomass boiler, having the knowledge and understanding of system design is the absolute key for everything in heating. The knowledge and experience of the Trainer (Kim) is second to none, and although there is a lot to go over in two days, there is a wealth of knowledge to approach for guidance on the delta T Forum, you will not be alone if you need further support. I have only been in this industry for four and a half years, and I am glad that I attended this course, I was I bit apprehensive at first, but believe me its worth doing. I enjoyed every minute of this course, and it has now given me the confidence and tools I need to progress as a heating engineer. If you are thinking of doing this course then you already have the right mindset, so sign up, you will not be disappointed.I feel that this should be industry standard if we are to make a difference in our design and installation practices, don’t forget we are trying to save the planet, and save same money on our fuel bills.‘Hydronics is the Key’

Denzil Cluff

2 years ago

Probably the best training course I have been on. Information is broken down into simple terms and lots of practical calculations done and can keep for future reference. First course that I have had a light bulb moment and solution to my own system problems. Flow, separation and cct have been programmed into my brain now. If you are a heating engineer this course is a must. Kimbo is a real character and delivers the course brilliantly. 5 stars

Adam dare

2 years ago

Absolutely bloody great. The uk is an absolute embarrassment when it comes to heating our homes. Kimbo breaks everyone down into understandable language for us plumbers to understand. We need to educate ourselves and Kimbo has put me on that path. Bravo Kimbo!!!!!!


2 years ago

It was fantastic and its what all the other training providers are missing. All the bits that we need to know.I have waited years for a course like yours.  can't recommend Northampton heating Academy enough.


2 years ago

Nice to meet you this week and thanks for delivering a cracking course! Just what I needed to tie all those loose ends together


2 years ago

Fantastic 2 FULL days of learning. Thank you for all your efforts towards increasing awareness of these topics, taking your time to help others and increasing quality heating engineers to the industry.You must have a very understanding wife for her to put up with all the bodies in and out of your house, extra equipment and all the things that goes on in the background. I do hope people realise the efforts you have gone through to put this all together!I’m already on the Delta T forum which is fantastic.

Tom Chapman

2 years ago

Think everyone installing heating, whether boilers or heat pumps should attend this course, great couple of days

Phil Galley

2 years ago

Absolutely outstanding 2 days. Completely opened my eyes to how things can be done properly and should be done. Absolutely outstanding knowledge. I wish he’d have been my mentor when I was training as his knowledge and relaxed delivery style makes it really understandable and how to apply it practically. Top Bloke .

Brian Carless

2 years ago

A real eye opening course. After over 30 years in the industry I now realise how little any of us really know about hydronics and how little we are taught during our apprenticeships.Kimbo maths and colour coding of the calculations helps a great deal there is also a good hand book to take away which is essential.Highly recommended.

Tom Dale

2 years ago

Great couple of days, a great insight into hydraulics and more detailed look at our industry I wish I’d known about it years ago. I will be taking it all into account for future jobs. Lastly kimbo top bloke and would highly recommend.

Paul Robinson

2 years ago

Great 2 days with kimboMust for all installers in my opinionReal eye openerGot a few jobs I need to go back to and add some closed coupled tees

Graham McCulloch

2 years ago

Really insightful course into Hydronics, heat loss and the correct manner in which houses should be heated.After 17 years in the industry I now feel like I have a lot more to learn and wish it was something I’d found out about years ago!Thanks for a a great course!

Martyn Woolvine

2 years ago

The course was jam packed with useful information and techniques that as heating engineers we should be using all the time but we don't know what we don't know!Really excited to begin to implement what I've learnt into my business.Thanks Kimbo!

Liam Knowles

2 years ago

Kimbo’s training makes the “maths” heating systems easy to understand, and makes clear it’s application.The training is delivered at a fast pace- this is definitely not a day off, and no time is wasted. The course materials are really useful, and make it quick and easy to apply what you have learnt to real situations in the field.I would recommend this training to anyone who wants to install heating to a high standard.

Josh Stead

2 years ago

An absolute no brainier for anyone looking to take the next step into heating system design. Top couple of days with a top bloke.

Andy Tilley

2 years ago

Very intense 2 days delivered brilliantly! This is exactly what everyone in the industry needs to know when looking at future heating design. I will be recommending the course to everyone. Many thanks

Niman xhafa

2 years ago

Absolutely amazing course. I learned a lot. It is very fast paste as Kimbo is trying to cram a lot in 2 days. It would be great if you can start a YouTube channel and pass some of your great knowledge to other installers. Thank you

Igor Chuchro

2 years ago

This was the best course I've ever been to in my entire life. It was so interesting and a lot of fun at the same time. Thanks a lot !I'm looking forward for some new courses !

Rob Tealy

3 years ago

It was a fantastic course and its what all the other training providers are missing. All the bits we need to know & tying up all the loose ends. I have waited years for a course like this. I can't recommend Northampton heating Academy enough. Brilliant light hearted delivery with passion and knowledge. Very easy to grasp.

Ian Young

3 years ago

Great course , not sure how Kimbo can speak for that long at that pace but he did. Well done. The pace of the course was very quick and for me personally I need more time to condense things and topics . This isn't a negative reflexion on the course , I understand that Kim is trying to provide as much Information for all of us on the course as he possibly can , trying to cram 5/6 weeks of learning into two days is not easy. I would really like some kind of overview of where and when to use the tables as my memory isn't what it once was. Great course , really well delivered , a must if you care about what you do and making a difference.

Marshall plumbing and heating ltd

3 years ago

Realy good recommend all heating engineers to go on this two-day course and up the standards

Rob Broughton

3 years ago

This course is a must for any heating/heatpump engineer. It includes everything you need to know about heating and incorporating heatpumps including everything that all other training courses fail to teach. In addition, Kimbo's in depth knowledge and friendly teaching style is fantastic - very refreshing.All in all, fantastic. I recommend whole heartedly.

Robert Devine

3 years ago

Fantastic course. Explained in layman's terms in a very enthusiastic and interesting way. Kimbo imparts his knowledge from experience rather than from a textbook which I found invaluable!

Brendan Neal

3 years ago

The best course I've been on! The way the information is explained in an engineer friendly way has improved my knowledge and way of working no end. I cannot recommend this course highly enough


3 years ago

Fantastic 2 FULL days of learning. Highly recommended. Kimbo knows these topics like the back of his hand, making things clear and easy to understand.

Frazer Dewey

3 years ago

Excellent course content and delivery, so much information I need some time to decompress!

Daniel Owens

3 years ago

In the words of Tina Turner, simply the best - better than all the rest

Ricky McIntosh - McIntosh plumbing and heating

3 years ago

An essential course for any heating engineer, kimbo's enthusiasm has rubbed off and given me the knowledge to take any domestic job. Definitely going back for the refresher course.Thank you

Miguel Gomez

3 years ago

Great training, a must for every heating engineer, is a lot to take on but I am really excited to put what I have learned into practice.Very enthusiastic teaching and clear explanations.

Frank Harrington

3 years ago

Absolutely fantastic content. Has given me complete confidence in every aspect of system design overnight. Filled in all the gaps in my knowledge. Thanks again for such an interesting and engaging two days Kimbo!

Jac Bisgood

3 years ago

This was my second visit to Kimbo and I wasn't disappointed. If you turn up with your head screwed on and you're eager to learn then you will walk away with a much better understanding and confidence to take yourself to the next level. Problem is I now need to go back to a few of my old jobs to apply what I've learned. Cheers Kimbo.

FG Heating Services

3 years ago

Thank you Kim, I really enjoyed it!There's shouldn't be an engineer or a plumber out there who haven't been to this course! (If it make sense)What you learn here you won't learn anywhere else!

Philip Jones

3 years ago

Interesting and thought provoking course that was delivered very enthusiastically


3 years ago

Brilliant course , amazed about how much I didn’t know about heating , gives you a completely different idea of how heating systems should be installed even your standard combi boiler .

Rhiannon de Wreede - SolarPVTech and MummaPlumbers

3 years ago

New to the industry and wanting to get things right this course has saved me immeasurable stress and uncertainty. It’s not just what Kimbo says it’s the way that he says it. Enthusiastic and down to earth he’s a great teacher. Put together with the concepts that will provide you with a fantastic knowledge foundation to build on and revolutionise the way we do heating. Cracking course.

Matthew Southam

3 years ago

A definite must for hands on heating design and installation. I wish the course was longer as I’m sure Kimbo could have filled the whole week with his knowledge. Many thanks.


3 years ago

Anyone that takes heating installation and design seriously or wants to be able to offer their customer the right product should do this course. Kimbo simplifies the whole process so that anyone wanting to learn, will learn. I’ve come out of these sessions with a completely different approach to system design and getting the best performance for my customers. Cheers Kimbo, great effort made to communicate what is a difficult subject in words that anyone can understand.

Morrison plumbing

3 years ago

Brilliant course, demystified heating system design 2 days, in a way that’s practical and straightforward.

James west

3 years ago

Money well spent.I have learnt a great deal from this course and can easily apply it in even a simple combi swap... knowing what to look for when specing a job (regarding min modulation). I was amazed by what i didn't know about an industry I've worked in since leaving school.Kim is amazing, very friendly and aproachable, i had my fair share of stupid questions and felt comfortable to ask them.This is a must for anyone looking to up their game

Jim Grieve

3 years ago

I have done Kimbo’s one day course before but this 2 day course takes it to a new level.This is a must take course for anybody in the heating industry .Kimbo’s style and plain talking make it easier to understand the course.Don’t think about it BOOK IT

Jim Lewis - Efficient Plumbing & Heating

3 years ago

Every heating engineer will genuinely benefit from this brilliant 2 days

JMR Heating & Energy

3 years ago

An exceptional couple of days spent with an incredible group of like minded people. Kimbo’s course is terrific, it will not only make you think completely differently around system design it also is delivered in a way you understand. Kimbo’s personality and passion is infectious I could easily have spent a week with him!!!Well done sir, let’s change our grandchildrens futures.

Chris Welch - Fix First Heating, Peterborough

3 years ago

A really enlightening couple of days. Intensive learning made fun and accessible by Kim's down to earth teaching style. The after care and support is really reassuring, so i wont be frightened putting all this learning into practice on my first jobs.

Matt Channing

3 years ago

amazing course, broken down into simple math & put across in a way that makes is easier to digest.

George Barnes

3 years ago

The best course for this industry to date! Kim makes the information simple to understand and it’s explained in our language, cut the less important/ irrelevant stuff out, makes you question everything you’ve done before but sets you on the right path/mindset to create efficient systems. Highly recommend to any heating engineer/company wanting to improve and adapt to installing and maintaining energy efficient heating systems.

Karl Stanmore

3 years ago

Excellent course and 2 days very well spent learning how we should be doing things correctly.A real eye opener with lots of practice and help when needed.Kim’s delivery is great too.

Peter Goss P G Plumbing & Heating

3 years ago

An absolute eye opener to how the systems should be designed to achieve correct delta T and the PDHW.Best 2 day training I have done so far.Kimbo is a fantastic trainer I would 100% recommend anyone wanting to sharpen up their knowledge to become a proper heating engineer this is a must.

Chris Jones

3 years ago

Excellent course which you will undoubtedly walk away from with far more knowledge and expertise than before you started. Highly recommended and Kim is a very genuine and helpful guy too.

Paul Milford

3 years ago

Really good 2 day course, learned loads, would like it to be 1 day longer to go through wiring the different controls. Will recommend to all heating installers

Chris Holden

3 years ago

Go now and stop doing all the wrong things that I have been doing for the last 50 years. Very good course would have liked a detail guide for a typical house - rads, underfloor and cylinder down to the part numbers and costs. Well worth the money.

Jun Xie

3 years ago

This lesson is perfect and learned lots.Very informative and eye opening course done "" the kimbo way"". Recommed to everyone.

Lee Moloney

3 years ago

Brilliant absolutely loved it, so much so I’m doing it again soon. It’s a real eye opener not just about what we could be doing with our heating installations but also what we’ve been doing wrong.The maths isn’t difficult, but I think you could easily spread the course over 3 shorter days. By 4pm I’m just seeing triangles I was sceptical, scared really about heat pumps and how it was going to effect my business and life. I’m confident , excited now about the changes and new opportunities and I feel I’m better equipped than 90% of the installers out there.One more thing, don’t fit Ideal Logic


3 years ago

Did many trainings over years but this one was definitely in top 3. Very informative and eye opening course done "" the kimbo way"". Recommed to everyone.

Ian Chapman

3 years ago

Fantastic course for anyone that wants to better their knowledge of heating system design and all things hydronics related.Excellent teaching and very patient too, just been on it for the second time, I'll do it again next year too it's that good *****

Gavin McNamara

3 years ago

I am so pleased that I treated myself to Kimbos course, it’s a real eye opener and delivered perfectly by a very very knowledgable engineer. I wish I knew half of what he knows. If there’s any follow up courses to this then I’m on it!

Lloyd groves

3 years ago

Real eye opening course , this is definitely must know stuff if you want to become a quality installer . It is one thing getting nice shiny pipes but another understanding systems to such an extent that kimbo does. Looking forward to putting into practice everything I learnt over the course.


3 years ago

Attended Kim’s course on 16th & 17th August. I went in with an open mind, unsure of what to expect and after about 20 minutes of listening to Kim I could tell he really knows his stuff. His style as a trainer is very open and friendly and he encourages debate and interaction. I’ve absolutely no problem with recommending Kim’s course to any heating engineer or professional who wishes to expand their knowledge of how heating systems should be designed, installed and commissioned. Absolutely top notch and I’m already using the training manual and hand-outs Kim provides in my job.


3 years ago

My eyes have been openedThere’s so much knowledge to take in from this course and as the old term goes we are still learning each dayHighly recommend others to soak up some good learning material to add to the mind#killakilowatt

Lee morton

3 years ago

A great course that really is an eye opener to how we should have been designing and installing systems for the last 20 years. Kim’s research really is a wake up call to what we all need to learn and it has given me a need insight into how il be designing systems from now on. Would highly recommend going to find out for yourself and believe this is what should be getting taught from college’s up.

James Oldfield

3 years ago

Brilliant course. Go in open-minded and this course will change the way you look at every system. This knowledge should be taught at collages fair play to Kim giving up his time to share his knowledge.

Arran Woodford.

3 years ago

Fantastic course, relearnt everything I thought I knew. This course should be taught at colleges Kim really has made learning fun and interesting.

Dominic White

3 years ago

I’ve been on Kimbo’s course 2 years in a row now and I must say it is brilliant. The new version is now 2 days in length and goes into the math, theory and practical application in a very simple and user friendly way. Understanding of the subject matter is a must, . If you are from the industry and half switch on Kimbo’s course will help you make a huge jump in your knowledge, understanding and how to improve your expertise. You’re never treated as an idiot and you’re not expected to know A’level math! I can’t rate this course more highly enough! The money you save on jobs will outweigh the cost of the course in months!!!

Paul O’Driscoll

3 years ago

This should be essential learning for all heating technicians. I learned more than I taught I could in two days!! The content was delivered with passion and was clearly explained, Kimbo was very engaging and encouraging. Highly recommend to anyone within the heating trade.

Simon smith

3 years ago

Great course well worth doing. Learnt a lot I thought I knew but I didnt

John gordon

3 years ago

All I can say is Wow, what a fantastic course. I thought I had an idea before, turns out I didn’t but now I’m armed with a lot more knowledge and more confident to utilise the info.


3 years ago

Attended the 2 day course recently and found the knowledge presented to be excellent. Was taught to us in an easy to understand manner. Looking forward to applying what ive learned and will hopefully get the opportunity to expand my knowledge in other courses that kimbo takes. Definitely recommend the course to new engineers and old. Youll definitely come away a lot wiser and knowledgeable.

David Hamilton

3 years ago

I recently attended Kimbo’s course in Livingston. It was really well done and presented. I learned a good few things that no one had ever mentioned in my 12 years of carrying out heating installs.I would highly recommend anyone who wants to get better at their trade to get on the course and pick up some valuable knowledge from a great guy.

Iain Clarke

3 years ago

Kim’s course is that perfect blend of an easy, entertaining style but digging deep into understanding how a heating system really works.Armed with this knowledge, I now feel confident to properly use my heat-loss calculations to accurately size a heating system whether that be a gas boiler or a low temp system such as a heat pump and know that it’ll deliver exactly what the client has been promised and avoid future call-backs.Kim has a wealth of knowledge and a real desire to help others become better at their trade, win more work and do things right.Don’t hesitate, get on this course!


3 years ago

Apologies it's taken so long to reply. Just wanted to say a massive thanks for the course. It was extremely educational and also a great experience. We are looking at coming down again soon to reinforce what we learned. You have a great way of teaching!!

Peter Delaney

3 years ago

Kimbo has such a wealth of knowledge and his 2-day course is so informative and a real eye opener to where the industry is at present.The course is delivered with great passion and aims to take away most of the guess work in setting up systems to run most efficiently.An all-round good guyThanks again

Jamie Lipscombe

3 years ago

What a couple of days spent down at the Heating Academy, definitely worth the journey down from Edinburgh. Kimbo’s knowledge and way of delivering this is fantastic, this has completely changed the mindset for me, moving forward this allows you to dive into designing and setting up systems correctly with effective methods and theories. Great training facility and nice personal touch as you are supplied with a in depth work book to go away with made by Kimbo. Anyone wanting to take away the guess work out of design and looking to take their game to the next level I would highly recommend this course. Overall brilliant course and great atmosphere all round.Thanks for the passing on the knowledge Kimbo.

Rizwan Baig -BG

3 years ago

Very informative and delivered with great passion. A real eye opener. Kimbo is an absolute be legend with his wealth of knowledge on hydronics.

Chris Bates

3 years ago

Hi Kimbo . May I once again thank you for a BRILLIANT  course which was truly an eye opener. I have been revisiting in my mind every install I have done, conventional & renewable. I am working out how low I can reduce my own gas boiler flow temp to with the existing pipework and radiators and adjusting the pump accordingly. That will be the first of many.  I'm also now enrolling on the Heat Geek course you recommended as I want a deeper understanding of these principles.  You really are the missing link in the heating Industry. Thank you so much for this awakening.

Will Hawksley

3 years ago

Great two days training from Kimbo atHeating Academy Northampton. Very informative, very inspiring and welcoming the new challenges ahead for the UK domestic heating market.

Daniel Mahoney

3 years ago

Absolutely cracking course. It’s a tough subject to crack at times hydronics but Kimbos enthusiasm keeps it enjoyable and keeps the whole room receptive to the information. A truly good teacher, whether he likes to be called it or not! A total pleasure to be in a room full of like minded engineers learning some real interesting stuff. And what a bonus to come out of it being a much better engineer. Thank you Kim genuinely for giving us all your time for this training that you just can’t get anywhere else.


3 years ago

Great couple of days on the hydronics course. Tons of information but all made really easy to understand. Highly recommend to everyone in the industry

Chris Williams

3 years ago

Fantastic well run course. explained really well by kimbo, great food and refreshments layed on all day

Frank Finn

3 years ago

I really had an eye-opening at this course, really easy to pick up all the information. Would highly recommend

Joshua Flynn

3 years ago

Myself and one of my engineers attended this course with a fairly open mind. Just as well!! An extremely informative and educational day. Highly recommend any heating engineer to get on the course. Hugely beneficial. Thanks Kimbo

Kevin Bates

3 years ago

Probably the best 2 days training I've done in 47 years. Recon if I did it again next week I would still learn something.

Chris Bates

3 years ago

“Forgive yourself for not knowing what you don’t know”This should be the motto for Kimbo's training courses!Within the first 10 minutes you realise that every heating installation you’ve ever done over the last 35 years is wrong. Yep they get hot and the customers are happy and the pipework is neat and tidy - But it’s wrong!I challenge you to challenge yourself. The content of this course should be the entry point for the whole plumbing and heating industry. Practical maths simply applied. It changes your whole paradigm of what a heating engineer is and what you should know.Thank you for showing me the error of my ways Kimbo  You and your course deserve industry wide recognition.

Tim Smith Plumbing & Heating

3 years ago

Cracking Course for anyone looking to up their game. Extremely valuable ouple of days really getting to grips with the fundamentals of hydronics. Plenty of easy formulas with practically no maths which simplifies the whole process. Cheers Kimbo@HeatingAcademy

Daniel Bailey

3 years ago

I came in after not sleeping the night before and had my attention captured for the whole 2 days. Great course real eye opener delivered by a man with a knack for teaching

Keith Jackson

3 years ago

Awesome Course, Learnt more in one day with Kimbo than all the other courses combined (and I 've done a few) . Relaxed atmosphere easy to follow maths  and nice venue.

ARA Heating

3 years ago

You will love this course It's maths made easy course that gets you the correct result in a few days and gets you back to work but with amazing real life knowledge.  Thoroughly recommend. Brilliant couple of days

Jack Drabwell

3 years ago

I spent 2 days learning about stuff we should all really know . Kims way of training takes out the fear of formulas and maths and breaks it down too simple terms that makes it easiertoo understand and apply.  Get on this course!!

Michael Walsh Mciphe Rp

3 years ago

Mustard. Has to be said. Kim delivers real world understanding.It’s not magic - who knew - mate he has it down. Reinforced what I knew from my visit last year and upskilled on a shed load of info . It’ suits if you don’t know and it suits if you do know but want to have a deeper understanding.This should be mandatory for any Heating Engineer. . I call it as I see it .. no matter the heat source you can sort it. Just get it done and thank me later

Stefan Gafita

3 years ago

I really enjoyed this course and feel that I left with a good amount of valuable knowledge.   Kimbo made a very simple and practical way of doing the maths for all pipe size calculations, rads, pumps and overall heating system. Once you get the hang of it, you can really save time and money by applying this method.    Being a gas engineer for 9 years I realised after attending this course that I should have done this course first, then anything else related to heating and plumbing.   Kimbo has a great sense of humour and is very passionate about what he’s teaching, this made the course very engaging and fun!Top man, top course!

WH Heating Services

3 years ago

Big Thanks to Kimbo @HeatingAcademy for the quality training he put on over the last couple of days. A realistic practical look at system design & how we can retrofit ASHP properly.  I've done the one day course before, but its definitely worth having a refresher & a second look at things.  Highly Recommended

Craig Brookes

3 years ago

Cracking couple of days at Kimbo's course, I would highly recommend it to anyone. Perfect idea to hire a house with a fellow installer and have a good crack at same time.

Fun Me

3 years ago

Absolutely brilliant course and a great bloke to match.


3 years ago

The course is very good. It's quite intense 2 days and even tea breaks are spent still talking about the subject of the course most of the time. Kimbo is very passionate about the subject of system design and heating and it clearly shows that he loves teaching. The delivery is clear and concise and you can tell that he has been refining his methods and knows how make even the slowest of us understand the concepts.I only wish I had done this course ages ago.

Tim Smith

3 years ago

Cracking course for anyone looking to up their game. Extremely valuable couple of days really getting to grips with the fundamentals of hydronics. Plenty of easy formulas with practically no maths which simplifies the whole process


3 years ago

Kimbo has managed to get inside the head of the average plumber / Heating Engineer and find out how he thinks. His course is all based on simple maths we can understand (not for men with tall foreheads).  This course will give you the knowledge and knowhow to design and install a heating system correctly.  The day after completing the course I saved the cost of the course on a job I had already priced by applying Kimbo's suggestions.

Craig Brookes

3 years ago

This is my second visit to Kimbo's course and the two day course goes into even more depth especially when looking at trying to install heat pumps to an existing install.Kim has done all the hard work to make a difficult area of our industry as easy as possible to learn.Really good to have a passionate teacher offering his time to us all and i highly recommend the course to anyone who wants to improve.

Damon Blakemore - BPH

3 years ago

A must do course for any installer wanting to advance his game. Face to face training, which in my opinion is the best way and my preferred method. Any questions Kim is ready to answer, good pace all the way through so no fear of getting left behind. Great literature you get to take home to reference to in future. You will leave a different person. So good I’ve been twice!!

David Falcon Heating

3 years ago

This is the second time I've attended one of Kim's courses.This was a two day course that really broke down the fundamental elements that are essential for efficient heating and low temperature design.Kim has a very rare quality in teaching of being able to explain very complex theories in easy to understand terms.I thoroughly recommend this training to anyone wishing to expand their knowledge of heating or transition into Heat Pump system design and installation.

Ricky Prescott

3 years ago

Cant recommend this course enough!! I have spent many hours trying to understand pipe, pump and radiator sizing. Kim has basically done all the hard work and converted the maths to basic engineer format. The course will defiantly give you the confidence to design bigger systems and get involved with renewable technology.Met some great people and had a great laugh.Thanks Kimbo

Dean Robertson

3 years ago

That’s the second time I’ve been on this course. First one blew my mind and sent me down the hydronics rabbit hole. The course has now been extended to 2 days and has been refined to perfection. From 8:30-6/7pm (9pm first night), flew by. Was great being on a course with like-minded individuals that are keen to learn.Hydronics simplified. In my opinion, this is a must before even thinking of fitting a heat pump. The system design for these systems is critical.

Simon Poskett

3 years ago

This is the second time I've done Kimbo's heating design course. His passion for this subject shines through as he breaks down all the BS we have been led to believe in the heating industry.He unlocks the mysteries around flow, dT, pump sizing and so much more.Get yourself on this course and be a proper heating engineer with the right tools to design and diagnose problems with heating systems and get them working more efficiently. Now over 2 days which makes things flow nicely. Thank you Kimbo

Wesley Hort - WHPH

3 years ago

I cannot recommend this course enough, although this is much more than the dry ACS or box ticking courses that you are used to. This is face to face time with a mentor who has passion about getting heating system actually running efficiently, not in a theoretical or throw lots of money at it way but small changes that have a big impact. This is the knowledge that we all should have had fifteen years ago when the industry shifted to condensing boilers but no one told us. And the fact you are learning not from just Kimbo but your peers whom you are sharing the learning experience with. Sharing ideas with others on the same journey takes you away from what you may remember at school and makes you actually learn the way things should be done. I could wax lyrical about the value of this course but the best thing to do is just jump in and get on it. Join the others who have been enlightened by the basic principles as engineers we can all master and use on any job large or small. Thanks Kimbo for sharing your knowledge with us and breaking it down for us normal folk!

Jo Alsop

3 years ago

How does anyone get boilers running at their A-rated efficiency if they haven't attended Kimbo's course? A determined handful of installers worked it out for themselves, everyone else, including consumers, are completely in the dark because gas boilers still work even when set up poorly. If you do not know the role that heat loss, pump setting, pipe resistance and flow rates play when you specify, fit and commission a boiler, you are missing the skills and knowledge you need to fit gas boilers as they were designed to run. Do this course! You'll have many light bulb moments and you will start your career afresh with the knowledge you need now and in the future as we move to low carbon heat sources.

marcus Edden

3 years ago

Great course big eye opener , a must all heating engineers kim is a helpfull and knowledgeable guy .

Steve Calvert

3 years ago

Kim has a wealth of knowledge and manages to brake it down to ways that make it easy to understand and use in the real world. This course will suit installers from every level of knowledge. Cant recommend it enough

Craig Gilhome

3 years ago

A great course, well delivered in a uncomplicated way.I would highly recommend to anyone who would like to know how and why things work and don't work in our trade.

Simon Turner

3 years ago

This is essential information to learn if you are a heating engineer, i was very impressed with all aspects of this course

Jonathan Shekleton

3 years ago

Action packed and timed to military perfection!An absolute must for any engineer serious abouthis trade.Get on the course as soon as possinle.